Saturday, February 8, 2020

A Short Trip and a Long Goodbye

Overnight Thursday there was a huge wind and rainstorm, however, by Friday morning, the day of Jeff's memorial, the skies were clear. After coming home from the service and celebration, we met up with friends at the lake. It may very well have been mostly clear earlier, but as sunset approached, the sky began putting on a show with very interesting cloud formations.
Because it was so chilly after taking the above shot, I rode home in Gayle's golf cart, with Sandy bundled up on the back. As we turned the corner, oh my gosh, what was interesting before had turned to one of the showiest skies I've seen in a long time. We were freaking out,
immediately heading right back from where we came, arriving in time for a true "fire in the sky" show. Earlier Thomas, one of the fellows who heads down nightly for sunset photos, said it was going to be a beauty, and in spite of our earlier skepticism, we acknowledged how wrong we were!
We called out to him as he was on the dock shooting photos apologizing for doubting him. I could not help but think of Jeff in his new heavenly home.

The service was wonderful, held at All Saints Episcopal Church in Winter Park. I can't say enough positive things about The Reverend Russell Wohlever. Although Jeff did not attend the church, about a month ago his brother, while down from Annapolis, visited the church and asked Rev. Wohlever if he would visit his brother in the hospital, to which he agreed. According to the Reverend, they hit it off right away and he was happy to be the one to hold Jeff's service. Seeing so many faces Bruce had not seen since his days at Darden was a welcome sight. Contractors, project managers, college friends, and of course his family, all were there. Jeff was a huge Florida Gator fan, so while choosing what to wear, I made sure that I wore my sweater in Gator blue.

Following the service, everyone gathered for a catered lunch from Cecil's bar-b-que, a big favorite of the guys. There was a slide show and testimonials as you would expect. Here's Bruce with his former boss, Briggs, who was both his college roommate and eulogizer.
It was good seeing Jeff's sister Linda again, although I'd forgotten I had. Years ago, when my business was new, Jeff brought her to the market to meet me and see what I was up to as he was always a big supporter of "Out & About Photography."
The reception was held in Tim's "warehouse", Tim being the brother of Jeff's deceased wife Cathy, whom he remained close with until the end.

One thing I forgot about the service that never fails to move even the hardest heart, was the playing of Taps for Jeff's time in the Army. The bugler was fantastic.

Farewell our friend, until we meet again.

Earlier in the week we had a visitor from Canada. Giovanni called saying he was going to be in town and wondered if we could meet up on Wednesday. You bet we could! He came to our place and then we took him downtown for lunch in order for him to see the real Orlando. After a nice long lunch at the Stubborn Mule, we came back here and went down to the pool for him to enjoy the fine weather. Dave came down to meet him as well and they hit it off right away.
Thursday we took a day trip to preview another campground. The weather was dull, so it was good to be on the road to keep our minds off the following days event. You know how it is, if you are not busy, your mind dwells on the negative. Our travel this time took us to the west coast of Florida to a place called Chassahowitzka River Campground. The boat launch area was wonderful, lined with colorful rental kayaks,
along a beautiful stretch of the spring fed river. See the lighter part? That would be one of the places where the spring bubbles up into the larger river.
Three pelicans adorned some of the tree branches. Unfortunately for us, they do not allow tents amidst the RVs, of which there were tons, relegating the "tenters" to a dreary spot with Port-o-Lets. A few people have told me they are impressed with me sleeping in a tent, which seriously is no big deal, but I do draw the line at using those nasty things! So, we crossed that one off of the list.

Before we got there two things beg to be mentioned, one of which is there were slight hills on SR50,
and a town that when I saw it on the map I could not believe the name, but sure enough, here it is.
Almost missed it as we were zooming by! Driving home a different route in order to go to Silver Lake, another potential camping park, was a blessing as the scenery was very nice indeed.
As it was past lunchtime. and the options were almost nil, we pulled into a quaint little spot.
The deli part they got right, the mall, well you would have had to have been there! We enjoyed our sandwiches and the whole very small town atmosphere where the tea was kept in the fridge for folks to pour their own.

Silver Lake Campground proved to be another one we probably won't be visiting, in part because the campground is a stone's throw away from the constant traffic noise from Interstate 75. The lake there is nice however.
We've not completely ruled it out, but we think we can do better. Sometimes you have to take what you can get, and then other times it is probably best to just stay home. That said, I found a few nights open at Manatee Springs State Park, but we haven't pulled the trigger just yet as Bruce is unsure of his church commitments for the last week of February. Of all things, our neighbor Bill is heading there in the morning, so we are looking forward to hearing his firsthand experience.

Stopping into a little county park for Bruce to have a cat nap, I found my favorite scene of the day.
And yes, that is a Cherry tree in full bloom, something we rarely see in our part of the state! There were tons of them around Brooksville, a quaint town we passed through on our way. One of these days we will have to experience a more thorough look-see.

I suppose it has been a long goodbye to dear Jeff because the very moment we learned of his diagnosis, just about one year ago, I knew there was little to no hope for a recovery. You prepare yourself the best you can, but it's darn hard isn't it?

your friend,


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