Friday, May 29, 2020

Leave the Birds Alone

Before we get into my favorite subject, let's talk about the quilt, shall we? It must have been Memorial Day, a grey and dreary day here in Orlando, that I sat down and put all of those pairs together, and so on, and so on. I was left with this at the end of my first marathon sewing time.
One lonely pair. Beside the basket are the sections that then are joined into rows, in this case 17 rows. So many. However, I am getting closer with 11 rows done. And now I need to cut more fabric because, well you can do the math, I am way short!
One of these days we will be going from that blah cream to.well, the complete opposite!

Before we go further, there will be a lot of photographs in this post, far too many, but at least they will mostly all be different! Whenever I look a cooking blogs I am astonished at how many shots there are of the same dish.


Today's title has to do with something Bruce said to me the other morning while we were practicing pickleball. Usually I stand on the East side of the court, facing Michigan. And if you are not impressed with me using East, you should be as it took me most of my life to get to the point where I can sometimes use directional terminology! Anyway, I will freely admit that oftentimes my eyes are darting to and fro looking for birds. Not really looking per se, merely if something flutters, I notice. So it was that my eyes were drawn to the huge power pole on Michigan. Seriously I could not help it! Exclaiming, "honey, I think I see the American Kestral!" Perhaps you recall the post wherein I wrote about Bruce rescuing the fallen bird , and then the rest of the story about when we went to the Avian Reconditioning Center with Matt and Tom that I wrote about here.  Now we are on the same page. Normally I leave my camera at home while we are playing, but in a stroke of luck, I had it with me.
It is insanely high up there so, even with the zoom lens, it isn't much of a picture, nevertheless, checking my photos, I saw that, indeed, it was the smallest raptor out there. Naturally I was distracted, my eyes continually darting up there, and it was then that Bruce said to me, "leave the birds alone." In other words, pay attention!!

Apparently, according to this article Nancy forwarded today, I am not alone, a fact that I am happy to report. Of course, you are a birdwatcher too, if you read this blog, by default! Thank you for doing so I might add. In backyard news, yesterday morning, while watching this fellow,
holy cow, he shot out of that hole like a canon, flying to a nearby tree! It was amazing! This morning I saw no sign of life at the hole, so whether or not that was the fledge for good, I'm not so sure. Updates forthcoming, as they happen.

Our birding friend, Candy, was shocked the other day when we told her that we had never been to Joe Overstreet Landing before. Frankly, we'd never heard of it. She said it was a fantastic place to see Snail Kites, another thing I'd never heard of before. Well, sick of being at home so much, we took to the road, taking the same route as when we traveled to Wild Florida, just a little further down the road. Actually a good bit further if you count the five miles off of Canoe Creek Road to get to the landing on Lake Kissimmee. Those five miles were great as we drove by sod farms and loads of grazing cattle.
We also saw a pack of vultures eating a racoon carcass, but I'll keep those photos to myself. :)

There are loads of reasons why this was such a great adventure, one of which were the stormy skies, something we've not seen for ages.
When we arrived there were quite a few pickup trucks and trailers in the parking area, and later on we discovered why when the fishermen returned to the dock, having participated in a tournament. Overhearing one of them, they claimed they'd seen a tornado, and with the looks of this sky, it would not surprise me one bit.
It was all very dramatic, adding to the fun. Backing up a bit, Bruce took his fishing pole to the dock while I took my camera for a walk. Oh boy, was I delighted when I saw a bird staying very still on a fence post. As is my custom, I took a shot from when I first noticed it.
Super cute, right? Creeping closer, it began singing.
On one leg, no less! Just when I wrote that the photos would all be different, I lied because here is a close up of this pretty bird that I learned is an Eastern Meadowlark, known for its' melodious song
So cute, right? Should that have been all I'd seen that day I would have been thrilled, but there's more!
So many, many dragonflies in that place as you will see in a bit. Now I began turning my attention to seeing a Snail Kite, a bird that is found only in mostly Southern Florida, and Central America. So, plenty rare. According to Candy, loads of birders go out on the airboats to see them but of course, those aren't happening right now. As a matter of fact, the boat ramps opened up maybe two weeks ago? So what does a Snail Kite look like? I was clueless; like a dummy I did not even look them up before going, however, my dumb move did not hurt me as they were flying all over the place. You've already seen one in the first stormy sky photo.

As we all know, I'm terrible at flight photographs, but it does not stop me from trying.
So, that's the underside, and here's the topside.
Doesn't it seem crazy that they eat Apple Snails and are considered birds of prey? You ask, what is an Apple Snail, and I've got the answer for you right here. Very few amongst you could care less what they are, but it's always helpful for me to look stuff up and I figure, why not share? The linked article answers a question I had while out on the dock, namely what are all those pink eggs? Now I know.
They swoop down, snagging up the snails, and carrying them to a safe space for consumption. An empty shell on the dock was about the size of an orange, according to Bruce. All in all, very exciting.

The fishermen all came and went, having caught and released loads of Bass, and we mostly had the place to ourselves when the slight sprinkles became a nice downpour, so thick we could barely make out the lake right in front of us.
After nearly six dry months we were thrilled to be undercover watching the rain pour down. There is a little store and RV campground connected to the air boat operator.
If you think the outside is colorful, take a look at the restroom!
I was very grateful for this surprisingly colorful spot!

Well, if you know anything about a Florida rainstorm, you know that it is often followed by bright sunshine, and that is just what happened. We'd brought along some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pretzels, grapes and a Coke, sitting at a lakeside picnic table in the shade of a big tree.
Our red lunch bag is the bright spot on the right. Let me tell you, it was so peaceful there. Oh my! Chirping birds and a few bulls in the adjacent pasture were the only sounds we heard. So nice. I'm nearly done reading Cross Creek, and I could not help but to think of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings while we were there because that book is such a love letter about rural Florida. 

While we were sitting there, I thought I noticed a bird on a fence post quite a ways away. Not surprised are you? Bruce observed the bulls up close while I creeped closer to the bird which turned out to be a resting Snail Kite. 
Once home, and looking at my photos, what really stands out in this subpar bird photo, is the number of dragonflies on that barbed wire. By my count there are at least 12!

As we drove the road back out to the main road, it was so good seeing the cattle, a big group of whom were sheltering under a small tree to stay cool under the hot Florida sun.
Driving home the sky alternated between bright blue and big storm clouds. One last stop before we made it home turned out to be fantastic, in more than one way. Firstly, when we pulled up to the trailhead, the first thing we noticed were loads of small birds flitting this way and that. I had to get out to investigate! What were they? 
Incredible sky, right? Anyway, the birds were small with forked tails. Because, by now, the light was difficult, I could hardly make out their colors to check my bird app. Nonetheless, I knew the forked tail would do the trick with enough sleuthing. Gosh were they ever cute!
I lightened the photo above, but still it is hard to tell that they have a navy blue back with rusty coloring on the throat. I loved those clouds, but for the sake of my one time seeing Barn Swallows, I wish the light had been more favorable!
 Most definitely a place we will have to revisit, if only for the peacefulness. It is on Sims Duda Road, off of 15A. The Duda name is familiar to many folks around here for being huge celery farmers.

You made it to the end of this post!! And we made it home before the heavens opened. The good news is that we've had more rain this week than we've had the prior five months, so here's hoping it continues as our lakes are super low.

As to Covid-19, the battle of the masks continues. Should they be worn or not? People are getting crazy over that hot topic! Nursing homes are still off limits to visitors so, no seeing Maureen, however, the last time I spoke with her, she remains the same, no better and no worse. 

I try to leave the birds alone, but it ain't easy!

your friend,


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Another Post, More Birds

But I'm not beginning with birds, so there!

Apparently I overestimated my jigsaw puzzle skills because the one I'm working on is giving me fits. If only I could get the entire frame down, surely that would spur me on to more of the interior! I'm thinking because I have some pieces wrong, I can't even get the peacock together. The peacock for crying out loud! Oh wait, I threw in the towel on another puzzle recently. I have no skills!
As you can see, there's just something wrong with the bottom and don't get me started on the top! Bruce, having been asked to join me, is having no part of it. If I'm having trouble now, who knows how I will sort through all of the trees.
I loaned Susan my other new puzzle and she is having far greater success, whether it is due to skill, or an easier puzzle,  I can't say for sure. Probably the former. It's a darn good thing I don't need the table any time soon!

We did something very daring last night, or that is what it most certainly felt like. We went out to celebrate Bruce's birthday with our Orlando family at La Fiesta, a nearby Mexican restaurant.
The servers all wore masks, and we were seated in a back room, far from others. Let me tell you, it was fun being with everyone again. We had a grand time, eating and drinking, with Michelle and Fallon convincing Bruce to do a shot with them. There was a fried ice cream cake for him, as well as the servers singing bit while he wore a Sombrero! Some of you will be reading this with horror, but it just felt right to us. As we left the restaurant, the sky was beautiful. As an aside, the building pictured is the local Winn Dixie, once a very long time ago, an A&P where my brother Pat worked as a bag boy!
Rain continues to elude us although the sky today is gray, if I had to guess we will get no rain. The other night, with the clouds pictured below, I was sure rain was imminent, but alas, it was not to be.
The water level in the lake continues to recede, however, the ducks seem to be happy with the new development, resting along the banks. Our Wood Duck family continues to thrive, that is the original one. Growing by leaps and bounds, their colors are developing, and I think I can now predict which ones are male and female. (female on right)
One day, the duck above will look like his Daddy with the brilliant colors and patterns of the male.
Following hitting the publish button on my last post, I went bird watching out back, in particular checking on the Woodpecker nest. Oh boy, was I excited to see this.
At the same time, a Pileated Woodpecker showed up on the bank below which is very uncommon.
I wish it were in better light, but you do what you can do when birds appear like magic!

The other morning, while walking home from the pickleball court, I saw lots of hawks flying around overhead, then a couple flew into each other, whether in play or something else, I have no answer. Eventually one landed in some good light and I'm thinking perhaps it is a young one. The man-made world may not be operating in the normal mode, but the birds don't know it is a crazy time, going about their business as usual.
In that same vein, before leaving last evening, when I was supposed to be drying my hair, I noticed something in the tree outside the window. By that time the wind had picked up a great deal and it was hard for me to actually hold still enough to get this shot of what I'm thinking is an immature Great Blue Heron, but don't quote me on that.
Another challenging lighting situation but I don't suppose you care so much about that. Or, do you?
One thing, or so it seems to me, that people have been missing is not only hope for the future, but things to look forward to. Perhaps I'm wrong, but in the early days of "safer at home", I had the opening of my orchids to look forward to. Every morning I would check to see whether another bud saw fit to open and grace me with beauty. While others have more beautiful displays, I have not been disappointed with my bounty.
Which Michelle added to when she gave me another orchid for Mother's Day. While it is not technically mine, Matt and Tom had the wonderful succulent garden, second shelf on the right, sent to Bruce for his birthday, leaving me a happy beneficiary. Another blessing this Spring, pandemic or not, is watching our tiny tree grow, and grow, and grow! This post, written on March 17, 2019 turns out to have been a bit prophetic--I wrote that I thought it would grow quickly, but even I am shocked when I compare the two photographs. Even if clicking on links is not your thing, this one time I suggest you make an exception.
Before long we will be having to trim it in order not to impede our neighbor's view!

A while back David asked me if I would take over the Lake Pineloch Community facebook page, hoping to build some traffic through photography. My arm needed no twisting. Because I am such a prolific picture taker, there is more than enough to go around. That said, generally I don't post on that page what I've put in my blog because, well, I just don't. I've been tempted to put one of the photos below on there, but you have been my faithful readers and I want you to be able to say that you saw it here first. And what, pray tell, is this build up about?

The parents are busy feeding, back and forth they go. I can watch them out my window right now in search of more food to bring to their hungry nester. I'm thinking this, brought on another trip, is a bee?
Isn't that exciting and worth the build up? I can feel that you share my enthusiasm! While others on the web have greater photographic skills, it would be hard to find as many who derive the same pleasure that I do from watching nature unfold before my eyes, day in, and day out. Or is that too presumptuous? Forgive me.

Another post, another gentle sunrise from this morning.
Send those jigsaw puzzle hints my way, will you?

your friend,


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Little by Little

Some days I feel as if I'm going crazy with wanting life to go back to what we knew. Missing camping is nearly at the top of my list. I miss church too because I don't really like watching it on television from their home, or mine. Church is an anchor in our life and although I know it is not for everyone, it is for us. Then too, if I'm being honest, I am missing my house right about now for a variety of reasons. I suspect, once we are past all of this craziness, I'll be back to being content as can be living here. As it turns out, they are opening the State Park system, however they are already filling up and Bruce, having just returned from helping Bill, tells me that campfires are now allowed due to the ongoing dry conditions here in Florida. Many days our phone will show rain at such and such a time that never happens. One of these days, the skies will open and we'll wish they would close!

In the meantime, we just keep on, keeping on. I'll say one thing, the weeks do go by fast. How can it already be Thursday? So, here's the Rhubarb pie I made with lard crusts that I'd had in the freezer. Thank you Jackie!
I used a new recipe that I found online and the pie turned out to be delicious with a very interesting bottom crust. How so? Well, instead of mixing the sugar and flour with the fruit, then putting it in the shell, I mixed the two ingredients, putting half in the shell, followed by the fruit, followed by the sugar/flour mixture. Wow, did it work well, and I can't wait to try this with apples.

So, I told you that we bought some of Bruce's favorites at Costco, one of them being cooked shrimp that I used for our lunch the following day. I thought the plate looked so pretty, well, it begged to be photographed.
In other news from Lake Willisara, we've got a new Wood Duck family that I spotted early Tuesday morning; I watched them hoping they would travel into the sun, and by golly, they did. Eight ducklings should you be wondering, bringing our 2020 total to 30 ducklings to date!
The other Wood Duck family continues to thrive and I'll tell you, it is fun to see them coming along en masse.
You would hardly recognize the Mallards these days. If I didn't know better, I would think they had always been this size.
And as to the Woodpecker nest, or hole?
I've got my eye on it multiple times a day, however, so far, this is the main action from morning to night, with no sign of any babies yet.
It's now in this post that I explain today's title. Freely admitting to not working on this nearly as much as I should, I finally sat down to work on the quilt that looked like this.
The thing is, it is naturally slow going, made even more so because I was not as motivated as I should be.
Each piece is two inches by three and a half inches and there are crazy amounts of pieces to go. Perhaps you notice that the pieces are bent and not looking their best. There's a reason for that and here's the reveal.
You're right--a big fat mess. So, getting out my ironing board, I set about making some sense of it all. Then too, over the weekend, when I realized I might be way shy of cut fabric to finish the quilt, I sorted through my large baskets, tidying things up after the mask making spree. Okay, so iron, then sort. You might note that I am in our bathroom and glad for the big countertop because I needed all kinds of space. 50+ different fabrics were sorted into piles.
After that was done, I carried them to the dining room table to put together in pairs. Those pairs went on anything mostly flat I could find, including some cardboard I got from the trash area outside.
They had to be moved to another table because, drum roll please, I ordered two puzzles from Puzzle Warehouse and they arrived in a flash, so the dining table will be used for that.

Alright! I've got 180 pairs (counted them after the fact) and the motivation to go for it, and so I did. What made it more fun was listening to our son Dave being interviewed for a very long podcast that aired on Youtube.  If you know David, you know he loves to talk, as well as answer questions about his vast wrestling card collection, which he did for nearly 21/2 hours. Listening to the entire interview, I have to say, it was pretty darn impressive with the added bonus of me getting all of the pieces, little by little, sewn together in pairs. As to the puzzle, I've just about got the frame done.

Here's a bit of a funny story from yesterday morning. Before it got too hot, Bruce and I finally got back over to Lake Davis for a walk that included the Lake Cherokee circle as well. I'll tell you more about LD another day, but as we were getting close to LC, we saw the swan family chilling on the bank.
Walking up to them, all seemed just fine until the cygnets began heading into the water and I apparently got a little to close for their comfort. Much to my surprise, one of the adults nipped me in the ankle!! One day it is a Llama coming my way, and now a Mute Swan!

While Bruce and Bill put strips of wood down, one piece at a time, I did the same this morning with fabric, while trying not to watch the birds out my window. While I said I'm missing my house, who am I kidding? I did not have a view like this before, and I do love it at all times of the day.
I guess my title is actually more apropos than when it came to mind as to my quilt. Little by little, we WILL get over this disruption in our lives, people will not be dying, a vaccine will be discovered (Jonas Salk we need you!), there won't be more people unemployed since the Great Depression (a sobering thought if ever there were one), and people will not go hungry.

Little by little.

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop