Back in November, when I began this massive scrappy quilt, if you had told me that it would take me until the first week of August to finish the top, I would have thought you did not know me very well. You see, when I begin a project, I generally get going and don't stop until I'm done. Not so this time! Had it not been for discovering podcasts, I would still probably be putting 2"x3.5" pieces of fabric together!
So here is the finished top spread out on the floor after moving the furniture because it is so darn BIG! How big you ask? BIG, as in 90"x96".

Should you have been wondering what a pickleball paddle looks like here is mine which is unique to our group, making it easy to find in the rack amongst about six or so of the same.
Today Bruce helped Bill with his wood flooring and I played a bit with the ladies. A bunch of the news around here is weather related, as we've had part of a big oak tree go down by the tennis courts while the weather was sunny, barely missing someone as they drove in through the gate. Before much of anything could be done, aside from cleaning up the debris, a massive storm came through late Monday afternoon. Serious wind, massive thunder and lightning, along with almost 3.5 inches of rain came as a surprise because it was so strong, enough so that our little tree took a thrashing. Not to mention we had no dire warnings from the weather folks.
Yesterday afternoon Bruce put stakes on it because, if history is any guide, we are in for more big storms before summer's end. In fact, the wind is whipping up the lake as I type. By the way, if anyone knows someone who is looking for a wonderful place to live, our friend Nancy is moving soon and her place will be up for sale. It is a 3/2 upstairs unit just around the corner from us. She has lived here for more than twenty years and her next stop is a lovely 11th floor apartment at Westminster Towers. I've no doubt she'll be making friends there soon.Back to the storm, remember I mentioned the tree limb falling a few days prior? Well with such strong winds and a weakened tree, another huge limb came down in about the same spot.
Here's what it looked like the next day from the entry....
And here's what it looks like today.
The visible fence is the tennis courts which are now in more sun than is optimal, but that's what happens when there are giant old trees. We can only hope that this is the only one that has to be removed during storm season!
When I first began selling photography, Roger kept trying to convince me to begin selling canvas prints stretched on bars. It took me months to get up the nerve, not to mention anguish over what I thought might sell because I had to buy them first and what if no one liked it? Eventually I settled on a sunset that I titled Solid Gold. The funny thing is that it didn't take long to sell it and the person who bought it was the market manager, the very same woman who once would not accept me as a vendor! Anyway, following the storm, the color of the sky reminded me of that time in my life.
In other sky related news, I saw Venus next to the Moon in the morning sky!! The photographs are not worth sharing, but it was so remarkable I called Bruce from his place in front of the morning newspaper.
Cris has been moved to a rehab center, the only one in Orlando that will accept positive Covid patients, where they will do all that they can to bring him back to health. One piece of good news is when he eventually tests negative, Judy should be able to finally see him up close! Let's hope it is sooner rather than later. Maureen is still in good shape for which we are thankful. All of the immediate family, as in my siblings, their spouses and grandchildren, remain clear of the virus. The same goes for our boys and their spouses. All remain working from home, for how much longer is anyone's guess.
Today I have no new vocabulary words to share, instead I'm thinking about an old word that is a good one and describes not just myself, but more people than are probably happy to use the moniker....homebody. While it suits me just fine, not everyone is loving it. And to think I subtitled this blog...Out & About with Gail?
2021 will be the year of the gadabout for everyone, or so I hope!!
your friend,
p.s. Blogger was acting up big time today, thus the crazy formatting.
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