Monday, February 28, 2022

The Countdown Begins

As most of you already know, Matt and Tom are FINALLY coming to Florida. Not for long, mind you,  but anything is better than nothing after all this time. Waking up in the middle of the night, I worked on putting some sort of itinerary together in my head, as is my wont. Now I just need to get those ideas down on paper so that they can choose what sounds appealing. I know, or at least I think I do, that both of them will enjoy a visit to the new Sprouts at Colonial Plaza. A visit there last week showed me that it is their kind of grocery store. We always love grocery shopping if only to compare what is readily available here.

I know when I was grocery shopping in downtown Vancouver, the stores were very small in comparison to ours and I think the same holds true for London. I will await their correction if I am wrong. 

As if a pandemic weren't bad enough, this mess in Ukraine is unbelievable. Realizing that mess is a poor word choice, it is just too painful to even type the word "war". Our friend Irene's parents escaped Ukraine when Stalin was punishing their country and when I ran into her today she told me that she still has family there who are scared out of their wits. Putin is a bastard in my opinion. Not a word I use regularly, however, it seems fitting in his case. The bravery of the Ukrainian people is so admirable. May peace prevail sooner rather than later. 

On a much lighter note, I finally made some cookies that were pretty and mostly the same size!

Still in the kitchen, Matt's great friend Liza is a tremendous baker who posts photos of her lovely creations. She recently was on a mission to bake an old-school Pineapple Upside Down cake and finally found the recipe she wanted from an old Southern Living magazine. That prompted me to get my wedding present Betty Crocker cookbook down from a top shelf.

Which led me to make an old fashioned Sour Cream Coffee Cake from the cookbook. While tasty, what was most remarkable was the fact that it came out of the tube pan like a charm thanks to a little help from my best friend. And that would be Bruce. 

Using the back of a spoon to smooth each layer before adding topping, I was pretty proud of myself to have made it work. Yeah for old-school!

Here's something you probably don't know about this couple. We love popcorn and eat lots of it, especially when there's been a late lunch or neither of us is very hungry.
Microwave is good, but stovetop is better!

Let's stick with food for a bit. 

We popped over to see what had become of Charlie's Bakery which we'd read had recently been sold. Talk about old-school. They opened the year we graduated high school. As you probably already know, I grew up behind this shopping plaza making this is part of my very old stomping grounds.
A new modern sign, and a new product, after all these years. Oh, and a very sleek new look too.
That new product would be ice cream. Vegan too which might please our London family. Bill tells me that a friend from high school bought it; hopefully it will last another 50 years under the new ownership.

Saturday I noticed some lake movement and lo and behold, there was a Brown Pelican!
Lo and behold #2 was the brief appearance on Sunday morning, just as we were getting ready for church, of four White Pelicans and a whole host of Cormorants. The action didn't last long ,but when there are about 60 new birds on our little lake, it creates quite the sensation.
You just knew I would find some way to segue into birds didn't you?


The previous weekend it was the Great Backyard Bird Count. Naturally I had to participate. Briefly, if you don't choose to check out the link itself, it is when for four days people around the world count the birds that they see to better understand the global bird population. That said, there are some incredible birds to be seen on that site, so if you have any interest at all, I suggest you check it out. 

First we visited the Heron and Cormorant nests on Lake Adair. Secondly I checked out back. Finally, while Bruce was fishing, I drove over to Lake Davis in the late afternoon where I saw more birds than I could count. As in well over a hundred! I can't remember a time when I went birding late in the day, so it was quite the revelation. The Red Winged Blackbirds were both noisy and plentiful.
Speaking of bird calls, you may not see any, but this tree was full of avian activity.
Just as I rounded the corner I spotted a Red Shouldered Hawk on a light post. 
Note the red just below the pictured eye. Well, not too much later the above hawk flew away....and landed...
Oh my goodness! Well it is breeding season so I suppose not to be unexpected, but for sure it is a first time sight for me.
Unfortunately for me I was shooting directly into the setting sun, so not great photos, but you get the idea.

Continuing on after this exciting discovery, the huge crowd of Ibises came into view, along with 
more birds landing in the water. I knew they weren't ducks, but what could they be?

Egyptian Geese is what they could be! Now for most of you this seems like no big deal, but for geeks like me, it is a big deal because for months now they have been absent after mysteriously appearing on the lake about two years ago. Was I witnessing their equally strange reappearance? That I don't know for sure, but taking to some very unlikely looking birders, think young hipsters. they seemed to think that it was indeed their long awaited return. Make of that what you will.
Was I ever delighted to have gone that afternoon, not only to add to my checklist, but just to witness so much activity.

Closer to home, while I wish there were more birds coming to our feeder, for the most part it is the Tufted Tit Mouses that keep us entertained. With super quick movements, it has been so hard to get a good photograph but finally I think I've done it!
Isn't it as cute as can be? Such big feet for such a little bird.

So last weekend I was counting birds, but this one I was counting the days until our firstborn and his beloved come home. They did come at this time of year four years ago when Bill and Fallon married on March 3, but that trip was a bit of a blur as we flew in from Vancouver and I can't remember a whole lot about the visit. I do remember buying my dress two days before the event. Nancy was here too. If we did anything fun aside from the beautiful wedding, I cannot remember it at all. And that, my friends is why I have a blog! 

Anyway, the weather should be nice enough, the yellow Tabebuia trees have begun their annual show, and the light at this time of year is beautiful.
Less than four days away!! Woo hoo!!

your friend,



Monday, February 21, 2022

We're Going to Gatorland!!

Before I get into today's story I realize that in my last post, the title was misleading. My attempt to be clever, on later reflection, fell flat. Instead of duck hunting I should have said duck finding which is what I do. I get it that there are those who like to hunt, however, I am merely a seeker, not a shooter!

With that out of the way...

During Matt and Tom's upcoming visit, we plan on doing mostly outdoor activities, one of which is going to my favorite local attraction in hopes of seeing many birds on their nests. Thus, our exciting Valentine's Day date was a recognizance mission to Gatorland in order to see how much activity is already happening. As it turns out, not a whole lot, although we did see a few Egrets on their nests. So while the nests were not exactly plentiful just yet, there is always something exciting going on making our trip a success. 

Remembering the first time we took our British son-in-law Tom there for his first live sighting of an alligator brings a smile to my face. That trip was also a success and he even sat for the obligatory photo on the fake gator.

So many of the gators lie still, barely even blinking that you would almost think that they weren't real. That is except for the Jumparoo when they are fed raw chicken. Now we did not see any actual jumping, however, we did see what I might describe as lunging.

Mostly, though they just lay there, sometimes one on top of another.

Every now and again it seems that they do make some noise. When we saw this fellow he was bellowing so loud. Very interesting. Perhaps it was a mating call? Isn't that pattern so cool? I'm pretty sure this is my first time seeing under the skin under their mouths and I find it remarkable. The day began a bit chilly and windy, but with plentiful sunshine, it was a joy to be a Floridian on this day. 

Making our way towards the flamingoes, we first stopped by the petting zoo area where we learned a little bit about sheep and their coats. The worker was quite knowledgeable having been there for 17 years. She will featured in a minute.

The flamingoes did not disappoint, so many and so colorful. (just a few of them pictured)
While checking out the flamingoes we were delighted to see something new to us in the form of two Capybaras. What's that you ask?

While I thought they were super cute, Bruce drolly claimed that they looked like rodents, so not so cute. 

Both the Capybaras and the flamingoes are in the same area, apart from the gators, which leads me to believe that both might be gator bait if that were not the case. That said, many of the other birds actually ride on the gators backs. Make of that what you will.

As you all are fully acquainted with, my main interests lie with the birds, both big and not so big. On this occasion, I gained a newfound love affair with the Emus.  That blue! Those feathers! 

While searching for the breeding colors of Emus, I came across this site should you want to know how to judge and confirm an emu.  Not only can you learn about that, but you can find a breeder should you care to have one of your own! 

My fascination with bird eyes continues growing with no end in sight. While observing my favorite bird, Barred Owls in the past, I've seen their third eyelid before and it is a strange sight indeed. Well, how about this for a third eyelid, and it comes up from the bottom too!

Bruce and I watched in amazement! There are quite a number of these six feet tall birds to see at Gatorland. So good.

Eventually we made our way to where the rookery is located. Don't know what a rookery is? Neither did I for most of my life, but here's the official definition. In our illustration, it surrounds the gator breeding grounds who provide protection to the nesting birds from predators. As mentioned above, there were not a lot of nests, but a few Great Egrets were active.

Isn't this just amazing stuff?  I will make bird lovers out of you all!  Conversely, you may get so sick of bird talk that you may just say,, enough is enough!  That green by the beak is part of the whole breeding colors. Sort of like makeup maybe?

Strolling along I spotted a Black Crowned Night Heron amongst the mangroves and there was not a single angle allowing me to take a photograph of this gorgeous bird. Disappointed for sure, but life goes on. Or so they say. 

Remember the woman in the petting zoo area? Not long after this, while we were near the Florida Panthers, this same woman caught up with us, reporting that Savannah was not far from where we were now located. Savannah is a local radio personality that Bruce listens to when she is on the Monsters in the Morning broadcast. So, she's a radio personality and also works at Gatorland. She told us that she was in a big hat and sure enough, that's what we used to find her.

Being a fan boy, Bruce called out a greeting which she acknowledged, albeit briefly!

Have you ever been on a zip line? They have one there and Bruce actually asked if I wanted to do it. Seriously? This wuss? Maybe he can get Matt and Tom to do it with him....

Aha....not so fast on no heron photo day. 

Lo and behold, as I was returning to Bruce from my second visit with the flamingoes, what should I see on a deck?

As to that fascination with the variation and color differences in birds eyes? Wonder why their eyes are red?

Perhaps it helps them see better at night? This article, while helpful in other ways, did not answer that question. 

Wasn't that fun? If you are a local, it is so worth a visit there to be amazed and entertained. Eat local...visit local is a good policy. Not to mention a good value.

In other news...

The bathroom saga is over!! Friday afternoon Herbert did more prep work with a chipping hammer.

Followed by some brown goop that had to dry over the weekend.

This morning, just as I was leaving to play our favorite game, he arrived and put the tile back from whence it came. During the demo he only broke one tile which I found amazing. After another night to let it set up completely, the morning will find me cleaning the floor and we are back in business! What a relief that it was far less serious than it could have been!

Speaking of our favorite game, perhaps you saw this article in the New York Times? I tell you it is everywhere! And rightly so, because it is SO MUCH FUN! And a good value which adds to the appeal for many. With inflation at absolutely insane levels right now, good value is at the top of most folks list, or so I would think. I kept wondering how it is people are still spending money in spite of higher costs for most everything, Bill, who works in banking tells me that household debt is how. Sounds like a vicious cycle that I hope straightens out sooner rather than later. When I go grocery shopping I keep imagining having to feed six people with such high prices and my heart goes out to those who have to do that very thing. It's not just food that is crazy high; Bruce bought a box of screws this morning to help Bill with a fencing project and for a smaller box than the five pounds he wanted to buy, instead of being $24.00, it was $36.00! 

Just as the threat of dying from the Coronavirus wanes, the high prices of everything from gas to rents, are hurting people in other ways. It's not just Americans who are hurting, from what I read, it is happening everywhere! 

As this blog is meant to represent real time, I would be remiss if I didn't record one the biggest stories of our time. Hopefully my little blog can provide a little bit of escapism that brings a modicum of joy. Especially if you like birds!!

your friend,


Blast from the past....this post from 2009 contains  one of my most popular images in my early years of selling. While challenging at times, those were some interesting times.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Duck Hunting, Bagel Making and More

 I am celebrating an anniversary this week. Actually it was yesterday, and while I had high hopes of getting a post written, it did not happen for a few reasons, all of them good. Yup, yesterday marked 15 years of blogging. Crazy right? Here's a look back at my very first post, written with absolutely no expectations that it would ever be read, let alone that I would still be at it 15 years later. Make of it what you will.

What do you want to read about first, ducks or bagels? Can't choose between such exciting subjects? I will do it for you. 

So here's what happened...

I'm pretty sure I'd mentioned that our beloved "thrones" had gotten dirty after 10 years of constant use. Not horrible mind you, but enough that I'd decided to have them re-done. And that's where it got tricky. As with most things during this blasted pandemic, you don't just decide to do something and make it happen right away. I'd been looking for fabric, both at the few stores that still sell it around town, and online, something that brings me no pleasure. Scrolling through page after page is not my idea of fun. The back burner is where that idea was placed for some months until last month when I began my search again. More page after page of what I deemed ugly fabric; or just dull for my taste. Then in the oddest stroke of good luck, during another trip to Joanne's, I found just what I was looking for except they only had half of what I needed. That said, there were 7 more yards to be found at their Winter Garden store, so if you can believe it, I drove out there to buy said fabric. And it was on my way there, driving from one end of town to another on Hwy. 50, that I spotted what I thought were Ring Necked Ducks in the small lake in front of what used to be the Arena. On that day I did not have the time to stop, but over the next few days it nagged at me, forcing me to head over there to see what I could see. The male, above, is a fine looking duck, don't you think? They will be leaving for the North soon so you get them while you can!

Same duck in the female variety. Such a wonder to me that more often than not, it is the males that are the showiest. On that same day I popped over to nearby Lake Adair to check for ducks and what did I find? Ducks.

And while they look very similar, these are Lesser Scaups. As to the coloring the same holds true for this type, flashy males and somewhat dull females. For most of my life I knew almost nothing about birds, but I think as you age, it is good to find new interests and learn what you can. My bird IQ is minimal yet better than it was a few years ago.

Last week the Hooded Mergansers returned, or as some birders call them, Hoodies. 

What can I say, I'm wild for good looking ducks. 

As to that fabric, I called Dave, the upholstery guy we've used multiple times and once I had it in my possession he sent Nelda to pick them up last Thursday afternoon. Parting was such sweet sorrow when Nelda loaded the chairs into the truck because I am still wild about that fabric. :(

She was a fascinating woman that's for sure. Chatty too. Having used Dave many times before, I knew he was super fast, however, this time he outdid himself and sent her back with them this afternoon!! Yup, count them, about four days! Unreal!

If I could have found it in orange it might match better ,but what the heck, I've got plenty of gold in the house, so why not? They were sorely missed during their remodel making us very happy indeed to have them back. For what it cost we could have purchased new chairs, maybe for less, however, nothing makes me happier than furniture built in the 50's! Maybe because I was built in the 50's? 

Finally, after not being in a salon since the day before I broke my wrist for the second time, I had my own remodeling.  Color and a cut with layers which generally I hate, but we shall see what I think this time around.

For the first time in my life I went to a barber shop, a new Floyds on Crystal Lake, about a block from my childhood home. Recommended by our friend Irene, the stylist, Carla, was a sweet girl to spend four hours with!

Today was a busy day around the Peck household. Aside from the chair delivery, the plumbers came again and it seems as if this time they found something that is now resolved.

In a stroke of luck, Herbert was able to pop over later and get the repair started by mixing concrete,

followed by filling in the hole. 

While I watched him manipulating the wet mix, I told him about how it reminded me of kneading dough. 

Perhaps it is because I'd done so last week when I made bagels for the first time in my life? What inspired that baking idea? On the King Arthur website, they had a post about how they were not too hard to make so I figured, since it was something brand new to me (see above), that I would give it a go. Then I saw that Irene had made some and she steered me to a recipe on the Sally's Baking Addiction blog. Because I love anything to do with bread, let's do it!

There's a fancy name for it that I cannot recall, but the dough was super thick and I was advised not to knead with the mixer but to do so by hand. Okay, I can do something with this shaggy mess.

That I did not take into consideration my inability to really bend my left wrist was a bit of a mistake, however, I did what I could and it went into the bowl for rising looking like this.

For someone who takes a lot of pictures, another mistake was not taking one to judge when the dough had risen two fold. A part of me thinks I let it rise for too long. Anyway, once risen I was to cut it into eight pieces without worrying too much about how equal they were. Not very equal is how things turned out.

Here's where my inexperience really showed....

I was meant to make balls, then punch two fingers through for the hole and stretch. Sounds far easier than it was. Nonetheless, I soldiered on and made not eight, but nine.

They look pretty pathetic don't they? Next step was boiling them. The recipe called for putting honey in the water, but because that is not an ingredient I ever have in the house, I used molasses instead. Not much.

Reading the reviews before I began, a few people posted that their bagels did not float so I was delighted when mine did. Let's just say that the toppings made them look some better.

What matters most is that they actually tasted quite good when toasted. Since I made them, I've investigated shaping techniques that I hope to use next time. Or maybe I will wait until Matt and Tom come because Matt is a first-rate bread baker and I can watch him? Plus my wrist won't hurt! Sounds like a win/win.

Lastly, and this is very exciting, Bruce washed the windows and screens today!

Oh my goodness, I can see clearly now!! When I mentioned I was going to call someone to do it, he insisted and who am I to argue with a willing man? 

Finally, today I picked up my wedding ring after a month at the jewelers. Unfortunately, although it is super shiny again, I'm afraid he put it together wrong. Because we no longer have a Cartier store here, I couldn't go look for myself. I know it sounds crazy, but it is three intertwined rings and apparently, even though I told him it was a Trinity ring, he did no research. Don't get me wrong, it is wearable, but just not the same. More collateral damage from my breaks. Sigh.....

We are counting the days, not to mention cleaning the house for the upcoming visit, now only two weeks away!! Woo hoo!

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop