Thursday, July 28, 2022

A Tale of Two Views

Writing my last post on July 11, had someone told me that my life might change for a bit, I would hardly have believed it.  But boy howdy, did it ever change! 

I made a loaf of banana bread, and began preparing some things for dinner, however, I felt kind of achy and took a hot shower, hoping for some relief. As there are hardly any photographs to post from the last two weeks, much of this post will include text messages which tell the story far better than I can.

To Cynthia at 5PM: I am yawning at 5 PM! 

Laying down on the couch, I realized that I might have a fever which the thermometer confirmed. Is it Covid perhaps? Both Bill and David suggested testing Monday night, however, I thought it might be a fluke and waited for the morning. Tested negative. All day Tuesday I either slept or stared out the window wondering what the heck was happening. Bruce, of course, was mostly staying away so if it turned out to be Covid he wouldn't get sick as well. 

My view, at least, was a lovely one.

I could tell when the fever was returning after a few hours of relief from the Tylenol; oddly enough I felt it in my lips. 

Meanwhile word was spreading that I was not well. 

From Jane Lou: Gail it’s Jane Lou Bruce told me you were sick I think you have what I have it’s not catchy but it sure is hard to get over gargle a lot drink tea with honey the doctor said I got a Z pack it’s helped he got a really cough up all that stuff I have a good book for you to read that’s a bit there’s something you can do to pass the time let me know I have 1000 questions for you about Nancy and other things I’m not going back until the end of this month or the first week in August I have to wait for my crown I sure hope you’re going to be feeling OK you’re gonna have to rest and I know that’s hard for you it’s been really really hard for me drink lots of fluids let me know if I can do anything if you get stir crazy crazy we can pull our chairs up about a distance apart and talk seriously outside.

As the days passed, I just kept feeling worse and worse. Fallon was urging me to go to the ER, however, as you well know, I can be stubborn especially when health care is involved. 

One day Mary texted me, well she actually did most days, but on the one I am thinking of specifically, she told me we had ducklings and I should go look at them. When I told her I was just too sick, she was flabbergasted. Yup, I was really feeling horrible. By then I had moved to the couch where I spent many days and sometimes nights. My stomach went awry so there was all that to deal with. My darling husband, after my having tested negative several more times, took the most amazing care of me. David kept insisting I try this tea and that along with some immunity boosters. Nothing worked. 

Finally on Saturday morning Bruce took me to Guidewell on 17-92, a place we'd heard about from both Mary and Ann. It did not take long for them to see me and when they did their care was excellent. Seriously good, and coming from me, that is saying a lot! Bloodwork, x-rays, CT scan and fluids, followed by an intravenous infusion of antibiotics, we left with this:

Susan: Hey there my friend. Are you feeling better today, I hope?

Me: Thank you for checking. It’s been a rough week but we now have a reason. I have booth pneumonia and a urinary tract infection. IV antibiotics have helped some and I will be taking oral antibiotics as well.  I hope to feel better soon!

Except I did not get better. My fever went over 103 that night. 

Even Connie's chicken noodle soup did not do the trick although I had high hopes.

Me: Thank you, thank you. We ate early before my fever spikes and both soups were amazing. There is nothing in the world like good home cooking! I haven’t eaten hardly a thing for a week.

Before we left Guidewell they said that they would run blood cultures to make sure it was the right antibiotic for me. As I was not improving, declining actually, I called asking for those results. Bruce called repeatedly and each time we were told a nurse would call. Except they did not. So, on a stormy Tuesday afternoon, Bruce drove over and demanded answers as well as the documentation of my visit which turned out to be so very helpful. 

At the same time I called Dr. Parrillo's office and had to leave a message. My message was that we were at our wits end and did not know what to do.

Here's a few messages with Yvette:


Momma Gail!?!? 

I heard you have pneumonia 🤦‍♀️

I hope your feeling/getting better? 🤗

Me: I wish I were improving but I still feel pretty terrible.

Here's an amusing one from Carolyn: So Gail, what seems to be the problem?  You do not have COVID right?  So sorry you aren’t feeling well.  Just found out yesterday that Ryan has Covid! 😫

What seems to be the problem indeed?

Mary texted most days and I had this to say to her: To tell you the truth I still feel like shit. Whatever this is, my gut took a big hit last night. On a different note,Bruce just make me home made tapioca pudding which was so wonderfully soothing. Thank you for checking on me Mary.

A note to one and all, warm tapioca is the best. I have no idea how I thought to ask Bruce for some because it has been years since last I made it. It had been a lifetime for Bruce who, in spite of never having done so before, followed the recipe on the box and it was the best thing I had all week!

Last Wednesday morning, I urged Bruce to play pickleball so that for at least a few hours things would seem normal. What we did not count on and to tell you the truth was a pleasant surprise, our doctor's office called, saying if we could get there in the next half hour, Dr. Parrillo would see me. I called Patti asking for help. Anyone who has had the pleasure of knowing Patti knows she will do just about anything to help a friend in need and she did just that. It is hard to describe how poorly I felt. One thing that had happened in the night was that I think my fever finally broke and it was unreal. I woke up in a pool of sweat with even my hair wet. I was so shaky but after Bruce helped me into dry clothes I fell back asleep. When I next awoke, I took my temperature and it was crazy low, as in 96 degrees or lower. Things were not going in the right direction at all.

When Dr. P took one look at me he ordered bloodwork and a chest x-ray. By now Patti had called Bruce and he arrived in time for the news. My white blood count, thanks to Bruce having the info from Saturday, had gone from 17K to 26K and the pneumonia was worse instead of better. Deciding that Winter Park Advent was our best chance of getting seen quickly, Bruce drove us there and just in the nick of time. 

They put us in a huge room, treating us with kindness and efficiency as I was just about in septic shock. As luck would have it, we did not even wait a minute before being taken to a room. Then, once stabilized, there was an open room upstairs for me where I would spend the next seven days with a very unappealing view from my bed.

Once I was able to get up and move around, it was even worse!

There is lots more to say but to tell you the truth, I am worn out for now. I am finally home and doing very little. We were told that it takes weeks to recover, and who are we to question said wisdom?

The hospital stay will be the subject of my next post when I feel up to it which I very much hope will be sooner rather than later!

your friend,


2 comments: said...

Healing thoughts to you Gail. Such a nightmare.

Gail Peck said...

Thank you Susan!

Kernel Panic Loop