Monday, December 18, 2023

Asheville Proper

Today's installment will be covering a lot of territory with loads of photographs so don't say that I did not warn you in advance should you become weary!! Or bored. :)

You may recall that Matt arrived via Lyft to the condo in the River Arts District about 8:30 on Friday night. Following some big hugs so and perhaps a Hallmark movie, we did little else aside from going to bed somewhat early. On our drive to Asheville we stopped at the Publix in Waynesville and I will say that it felt good to be in a Publix. Don't get me wrong, Ingles is very nice but once you have Publix in your blood it is hard to replace! Anyway, with breakfast fixings in the house, peering out the windows, we  wondered what in the world we could do on such a rainy morning. As you learned from my last post, we went to the Asheville mall which is doing some better than other malls in the country. At least at Christmas it was. We shopped in the Belks which of course brought memories rushing back about when my mother worked in the shoes/handbag department at the Belks in Colonial Plaza. A few weeks ago, December 7 to be exact, I had this feeling and looked at the date, something I do with increasing infrequency. It was the 20th anniversary of our Mom's funeral, as well as the day Bruce's dad died. Yes, you read that right. It was a very dark time to say the least. 

Following our mall excursion, Matt gave Bruce directions to downtown. If you have not been to Asheville I am here to report that it is fairly compact and at least from my seat, pretty easy to navigate. It was fun to be in a city setting again amongst the hustle and bustle, such as it is.

As is the case when we are with Matthew, he leads and we follow. Funny how it comes to that when you get old. Not so may years before it was us who was leading him around! Here's a view down the street to the City Hall and Buncombe County building.

I read a fascinating story about their construction history, a little bit is included here. From what I read somewhere else, it was quite the local story at the time. You might note the word art on the city bus and it is there for a good reason because one can find A LOT of local art in Asheville, so much so, one wonders how there is enough business to go around. 

The Grove Arcade was beautiful!! Finished in 1929, Wow! Stock market crash anyone? 

Walking back to the car, we came across this group ready to serenade the passing crowds. 

Don't you just love this sort of thing? In contrast to the fancy Grove Arcade, a music mecca below.

As the parking meter was running low we decided to head back to the car and return to The Radical, the hotel restaurant located across the river from the condo. Because it was so close, Bruce and I ate there the previous evening making for an easy walk home. As is our custom, we sat at the bar of The Golden Hour, thus the gold chains?

We were delighted with our meal, so much so that we wanted Matt to experience it as well. We began with the bread service followed by an array of vegetable dishes in keeping with Matt being a vegan. So good.

Pickled vegetables, focaccia and compound butters...oh my! The hotel is funky to say the least.

Sunday dawned chilly and rainy and although it was interesting, maybe it was not my best choice when I suggested we visit the Tobacco Barn antiques. Unheated, it was indeed a huge barn, to the tune of 77, 000 square feet!

Mostly overwhelming with so much to see I took only a few shots including the one below highlighting penmanship, something I wish I had a better grasp of these days. Should I be graded on such, as in our long ago elementary school days, I would probably receive a "C" grade. Maybe even a "D". I cannot remember the last time I formed the letter Q in that fashion. How about you?

There was more we wanted to peruse downtown so with free parking on Sunday, off we went. I wanted to the visit Mast General Store

Remember what I said about cold weather clothes being expensive?  You can find them there should you want to! You can also find fun things like this little candy mecca.

Maybe I am getting the days mixed up, who knows and for that matter, who cares? That said, one of the days we visited two floors of mostly local art housed in a former Woolworth, complete with an old fashioned soda fountain. Naturally the quilts attracted my attention! 

We saw photographer after photographer all pretty much with the same subject matter. Don't get me wrong, because there were some beautiful landscapes, but it seems to me should I actually care to sell anything here in Murphy, it needs to be out of the ordinary stuff. Time will tell, but those are my thoughts here to date.

It will only set you back a cool $60K to purchase these neat wooden motorcycle.

More exciting happenings including a flat tire, fixed with expediency I might add, as well as a trip to Jo Anne fabrics for me!! Nancy sent me some fabric for Christmas and I needed just a few things to make something happen. Next post for that.

By now the weather was even more dismal, but after a trip to the REI store in Biltmore Village, Bruce steeled his nerves and we headed to the airport in the pouring rain on an interstate undergoing construction. Sounds fun, right?

Not to mention we were saying goodbye to our son for who knows how long! He arrived with plenty of time for his flight, but somewhere along the way, he missed his connection to New York from Charlotte. God was good however, and there was still another flight that night to London. All of this is a distant memory to him as he and Tom have now embarked on a two week vacation beginning in Okinawa and ending in South Korea where the temperature there is predicted to be minus every day of that portion of their journey!! 

Earlier John suggested that we stay another day because of the less than ideal weather, so because we are foot loose and fancy free, we decided to do just that. Woo hoo, we were treated to a beautiful sunrise. Well I was anyway because Bruce is not nearly as keen as I am to step outside in nightclothes!

Baby it was cold outside with steam from the New Belgium brewery across the street filling the air.

The long shadows of winter and plenty of frost on the ground.

Would you like to see tiny bits of frost? Of course you would? Am I crazy?

Don't they look neat? I walked down the street, crossing the bridge over the French Broad river, in an attempt to figure out where the entrance to the river walk was. Finally I found not only it but some brave souls using it as well.

I was feeling excited with all that I'd seen and then on my walk it got even better! Because it was so chilly I only brought my regular zoom camera, not the one with the very long lens which I regretted the moment I watched a flock of birds fly into the top of a tree in front of me. Of course I am freaking out just to witness it but the thought that I would not be able to identify said birds hurt too.

No amount of enlarging on my computer helps. Such is life, right?I sound like an ingrate is what I sound like. The experience should totally be enough. Or, should it?

During the rest of the morning we visited Harris Teater and the adjacent Trader Joes. The former because I wanted to see what it is like, the later because I wanted to pick up some goodies to take home in our cooler. Oh yeah, and we tried to visit Hole Donuts but they were closed. Apparently a trip to Asheville is incomplete without a visit there.

Oh yeah, another thing we did was drive through a very large area covered in street art. The best of the bunch to me was the Clint Eastwood.

As you can see it turned out to be a bright, sunny and gorgeous day. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect!

We ate lunch at a cool neighborhood restaurant called WALK for West Asheville Lounge and Kitchen.

Next up the Asheville Botanical Gardens which although mostly bare trees there were some birds on a very cool feeder.

Winter has it's own beauty.

I'm going to stop right here even though I've more to show you. I know that I have a habit of talking to much and writing too much so maybe it is a good time to quit while I am ahead. That said, one more thing that happened on Saturday that I cannot wait to show my bird loving friends!

I was just coming around the corner in a part of the river walk I don't take advantage of enough and lo and behold I about freaked out! It is a wonder that any of the photos came out I was so excited! That is a male and female Eastern Bluebird. So cute!!

This afternoon, in the middle of writing this I went for my walk and for the first time I saw nothing. Perhaps it is because it is not only crazy windy but the temperature is dropping and is predicted to be 24 degrees tonight!! And to think winter is still days away. 

your friend,


1 comment:

Dave said...

Loved reading this and seeing all your photos! Our friends, Michael and Bill, lived in Asheville for several years and owned the Four Corners shops at the Grove Arcade. They were the original owners/founders. I don't know if the new owners are still in business. We visited Michael and Bill on numerous occasions and always had a great time. We had our dog with us and the town is extremely dog friendly. We loved the River Arts area and made several purchases there. On one occasion we went to a vegan restaurant for my birthday. I am NOT vegan. I ordered a bloody mary and it was "brown" and the nastiest thing I'd ever tasted. We left. Still don't know why they thought I'd like going to a vegan restaurant for my birthday! lol. Keep up all your great work and have a wonderful holiday season!

Kernel Panic Loop