Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Busy, Busy, Busy

For a small town, we sure seem to find ways to keep busy! Which, btw, we are most grateful that our health allows us to occupy our time in good ways. You already know that we are volunteering at our church when needs arise and since we are so close, why not, right? 

It's such a pretty and active church that has been serving Murphy for a long time now. If my memory serves me correctly it was built either a year before our home, or a year later. Sometimes we walk and sometimes we don't. Why, you ask? Depends on how much energy we have for climbing the hill up to it! 

Speaking of our home (who me?), the inspector found a few electrical problems that needed attention so when our realtor Donna happened to mention that her son had just gotten his license we hired Barron. Actually he had to switch out the main breaker which is why the photograph is so dark. Murphy Power came over first thing in the morning and switched off our power, Barron did his thing successfully, and within the half-hour, the inspector did his thing and the power company did theirs. Back in business.

As each day passes we are more in love with this house. The windows, the doors, the wall texture! I would throw in the ghost word, but so far we have been ghostless! Anyway, last evening when a fellow learned that we were the ones to buy the Vespasian house he said, and I quote, "all eyes of Murphy are on you." Say what? It's a small town folks! Folks were probably already talking about us when we were not mowing the lawn, don't you think? 

However, this past Saturday, Bruce mowed the far more difficult front yard, then I took over the reigns of our electric mower and did the back.

Let's just say that pushing a button to start a lawn mower is a heck of a lot easier than pulling the string countless times, something I have plenty of experience doing! 

You know what-- let's stay in the back yard for a moment and if you are the sensitive type, perhaps this will bother you, but others feel free to continue. This morning Bruce was taking the trash to the curb from beside the above pictured red stairs. Okay, I am in the house with the doors wide open for the morning chill to enter, when he calls out that there is a rabbit in the back yard. We may not have deer here, but we do have rabbits. In this instance, there was more than one and they had some hanky-panky on their minds or so it seemed when they began jumping up and down with one another. Well how about this a moment later?

My goodness me! Suffice it to say that once was not enough for these two however, after three times the charm, they began heading into Shannon's back yard leaving you to fill in the rest of the short story I've presented.

Note the lack of fences between our yards; a small rock wall marks our property line, something pretty common here.  Next door to Shannon is Jason and when I was out working in the yard at the same time that he was, he told me he'd found a Robin's nest in his bushes when he was trimming. "May I see it please?" "But of course" was his response. Jason is a super nice young fellow, neighbor, and principal of what is called the "early college high school" here. When I was not tall enough to look down on the nest, he got out his ladder. I told you he was a good guy.

Aren't they beautiful?? The Magnolia tree in the back yard, the huge one with four trunks that drops all manner of stuff on our yard, is blooming and two things to note about that. One is that the fragrance is different than what I am accustomed to, and two, the blooms are absolutely huge!

This one was drooping pretty low allowing me to cut it off to display inside. Well, it measured 10 inches across (!), and it lasted for one day. Unlike the cut hydrangeas that seemingly last forever. 
Apparently what they do is fade after two weeks in a bud vase! Unbelievable. There are loads of them on the bushes outside the porch and I could not be any happier. What looks like a pink one below is merely reflecting the setting sun.

And in what I am deeming good news to report, there are two or maybe three, Rose of Sharon trees loaded with buds. This is getting exciting my friends. Plus the Hostas are at it as well. 

(An unplanned still life above) 

Are you missing the Goldfinch? I was until this afternoon while we were eating lunch in the parlor and one appeared like magic. 

While there are tons of birds here, they are an elusive bunch unlike when they were outside the living room window and a dime a dozen! I did manage a shot of a Brown Thrasher one day.

Bruce is at the gym right now which is when I normally do the river walk, however, I told him this blog was my priority today, as I am woefully behind. I did go on Monday and the river is very, very full.

A large contingent of Canadian Geese have returned to their mess-making ways. If you don't know what I mean by that, well let's just say that they can be not very pedestrian friendly.

Lillies were in bloom,

but mostly things are green, green and more green. I love it!

So where is all this busyness you are touting? The truth is, I was getting ahead of myself. Last week we went out to events probably four out of seven nights, all of which bear mentioning, however, I'd already picked out this batch of photos to use today, so I'm going with it. Bear with me! I promise to do better.

We did go to Curt and Nancy's awesome mountaintop home for pickleball and a cookout. That counts, right? 

Two other couples came and it was a blast with perfect weather, perfect company, and delicious food, including a homemade key lime pie that Tammy brought.

That would be Nancy at the grill, Tammy beside her and Angie on the right. The view from the deck where the grill is.

Jonathan and Alissa are in Korea right now and their photos are filled with green mountains as well. If North Carolina is this green, and Korea looks similar, how much greener can Ireland be? We've never been so enlighten me please.

Here's an idea for you: make art from calendars! Actually, while we were in Orlando buying what we could fit in the car, four frames made their way here. Now I've already told you that lots of artwork was left behind and while we are grateful, not all of it is going to stay. I put these together using a calendar Matt gave me with old London Transit posters.

The frames turned out to be anemic so "Mr. I can spray paint anything" worked his magic. Much better!

The front porch is bringing so much joy to our lives. Entertaining folks there is great, and most mornings I eat my breakfast out there to enjoy the cool mornings. This week the temperatures have been in the middle 50's when we get up! So far this wonderful Craftsman bungalow is doing what it is meant to with wide eaves to keep the interior cool. Because I get so hot while sleeping we do use the upstairs air conditioning at night, but the rest of the time, we are enjoying the fresh air. Will it get too hot? Probably. For now, however, it has been good. 

Plus, the plants grow like crazy. It mays sound as if I am exaggerating, but to my recollection, I have never had a plant bloom like this before. 

Let alone two of them, as there is a twin on the other side of the door!

Shall I end with spider webs? Maybe my neighbor Sandy's lavender is more to your liking?

My goodness have I rambled and I never even got to her beautiful, and prolific, oak hydrangea plant! 

Mr. Peck has returned from the gym and is in need of using my computer for a zoom meeting with our Orlando condo community. Saved by his responsibilities! Otherwise I might have kept going!

your friend,




Randy said...

Charming Blog that should make everyone want to live in Murphy. The city may hire you as their PR person!
You really did find a charming spot; someday, we hope to also!

Gail Peck said...

Why thank you for commenting Randy! Can't wait to see you soon!

Kernel Panic Loop