Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Two Visits from Friends and More

There is a lot to report so let's get started! Actually, when you read this, you might wonder how there is time to write and your assumptions would be correct because, once again I am a day late. As to a dollar short, I cannot comment.

Let's start with a waterfall, specifically Benton Falls.

There is a hiking group at church that we were invited to join. With trepidation, we agreed. Trepidation you wonder? Most of the folks are seasoned hikers and because we are not, joining them was not exactly our cup of tea. 

That said, we agreed to go and we made it! 


To the right of the group is a mountain-top lake! The day was muggy and overcast, so jumping into the water would have been my idea of fun, however, onward we traversed on what they called an easy hike. Mostly it was until we drew near to the falls and that is when I got nervous. The view from above the falls.

Having spent so much time healing after my wrist breaks, I am nervous in any situation when I can fall. Thus, our friends climbed over to the big rock and I asked Bruce if we could stop before we got there. No way did I feel comfortable climbing where the rest of the folks did! 

David and Diane having a serious discussion.

On our way up the mountain, we stopped at an overlook for a group picture.

That was last Tuesday, and in the end we were glad we went. 

Saturday there was another easy walk, or so they claimed, however, instead we were blessed to have our old friends Sam and Mary coming  into town. We enjoyed a lovely visit with them after a, you guessed it, house tour, during which time they proclaimed that the photographs did not do it justice. If anyone loves good stories of thrifting it is that couple! Mary claims they have lived a "second hand" life and I can't argue with that. She declined photographs so the only evidence of their visit is the cardinal she picked up somewhere for me as she knows how much I love them.

Melissa, one of their four daughters has a second home in nearby Robbinsville, so they know the area well. Sam is a fellow woodworker who loved seeing what Bruce is doing in the basement. 

Monday, while playing pickleball, Susan asked me if we were always busy and my answer was yes we sure are. While it is a good problem to have, my blog is suffering! In that same vein I will go back in time to our get together at Mark and Mary Beth's lovely home. 

We shared a lovely meal and good time together, followed by me slipping on their front stairs. In my defense, they were wet and have been recently varnished with a shiny sheen. Fortunately, only my arm took a little scrape. I hate reporting that I am so accident prone these days but it is the sad truth! The chickens were rounded up so we could see them, but not without effort on Mark's part!

Believe it or not, as in when do I have time, but I am still working on my quilt, having finished the binding, all ready to attach to the quilt when the time comes,

and the quilting has begun.

That binding is 400 inches long and made up of a whole heck of a lot of pieces. Pictured on the ironing board with the iron because those are two items that we bought second hand; the board from the thrift store and the iron came from last year's white tag sale at the church we now attend. I began this earlier today, but stopped in order to attend a meeting of the Methodist women;  one of the topics was the planning of the white tag sale coming up in a few weeks. What will I find this year??

Monday, another Florida couple came to town and this time it was Bill and Lisa from Live Oak. We had a super good time with them, mostly chatting, as well as a little driving around to show off our adopted home. They arrived late in the morning with lunch at Shoebooties on the agenda, followed by pointing out a few of our favorite places. The name of the restaurant is unfortunate in our opinion but it is a local institution. Unfortunately Lisa has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis which is  limiting her ability to get around, so we mostly stuck with easy stuff. We had a simple dinner utilizing chili that I'd made the night before. You would think that was an odd choice in the middle of a heat wave and frankly, I can't blame you! Sometimes it is not about the food. 

Which brings me to the next topic this blog post is meant to cover and that is my obsession with learning more of the history of this house. The information provided in this space included in my last post, was incorrect. Before I carry on, when Bill and Lisa were arriving, who should pull up but Bill Sr., who was checking up on us. Wanted to know how things were going and we, of course, praised him again for keeping the house so immaculate. We were a little sad to hear that he is a bit lonely in his new home but he claimed it is to be expected.  Anyway, the name was not Candler as I'd written, but Chandler so there's that. I not only went to the deed office where a nice woman assisted me,

 I also went to the library and found the Candler house, of the six tables of bridge fame, but not ours was not included in this book.

I am mentioning this in the Lisa segment because once I had the real name (or so we think), of the man who built this house, she logged into her Ancestry account and found out more information. So far we are thinking it was a Mr. George Hiram Cope and His wife Leila who lived here. I've learned from reading countless articles in the Scout that they moved to Sylva in September of 1930. What happened next??? The Chandlers bought it in 1948 and held onto it until the Vespasians bought it from the estate of Ruth Chandler in 1997. So I've put this information into a few sentences but believe you me, I have read many, many more sentences on the subject. SO FAR! The Copes were prominent citizens as well, members of the Baptist church and Lions Club.

It has been fun learning so much of the history of Murphy from the pages of the Cherokee Scout. Mrs. Chandler, the supposed ghost, lived to be 98, a factoid I know because Lisa is a whiz with Ancestry!

We met Randy and David at the Crown in Brasstown on Friday night, a restaurant that people have been telling us about since we arrived last summer.

The food was good, but the views are even better, in my opinion.

Apparently a fire is common to ward off mosquitos. I've never seen one built quite like this.

Your favorite blogger's husband is chatting with Rob, our insurance agent who is known to frequent the place. When we first arrived in Murphy we thought it seemed far away, but now that we know where we are going, turns out it is but six or so miles from us! Everything, or so it seems, is a matter of perspective.

After church on Sunday we drove over to Hayesville to visit with John while he was passing time in his booth at the craft show.

Let me tell you it was HOT! Finally we had some rain this morning to cool things off a bit, but not nearly enough. While it would be nice having it cooler, it is still cooler than Florida at this time of year. 

Bruce now has his major tools purchased after going to Blue Ridge with John a week or so ago. He took the cart that was meant for the table saw, worked his magic and now he has not only his band saw but his mitre box installed on it.

Lots of folks moving to the mountains want just that--mountains. Either views or woods, preferably both. Me, I am good on more level ground. Not entirely level but level enough. One of the things that really pleases me, at least in the summer, is the varied light in the house.

Oh look! 

Paint ideas! 

Stay tuned.

As always, I remain, your friend,


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