Tuesday, August 6, 2024

It Was Meant to Be

I could say the same for lots of things but, in this instance, I am referring to the new living room paint color. Oh my goodness, I do so love Ruskin Room Green, although the name certainly lacks excitement. What is a Ruskin Room you have to wonder? I have always been partial to green rooms so we are really just keeping with tradition. At one time, our house on Gem Mary Court had a green living room, I believe that color was Sweet Caroline by SW, however I did not see it in the fan deck when I was currently perusing it. My office was called Dancing Green, a bathroom was Hearts of Palm and come to think of it, our bedroom was another shade of green that escapes me. Me and the color green go way back! 

Plenty to unpack today so off we go...

Before we get into this week's painting excitement, have a gander at this rabbit that was out in the street one morning just hanging out. I've seen them crouching before but never on those long front legs. No wonder they can move lightening fast!

Most of last week was spent with the sale at the church, but one afternoon I walked to the library and as I was leaving a table display caught my eye.

Not only did it catch my eye, reading through it kept me captive for quite some time! So many interesting articles, photographs and ads, including the one below! 

What is so great about reading old magazines and newspapers is you discover what was important to folks at the time. Beliefs, products, and what's more, learning that conspiracy theories are nothing new. I wish this was clearer, but it grieved me to learn that folks did not believe the atrocities committed in Europe during WWII. 

This poor mother's lament about losing her son! As a mom to a bunch, I cannot even imagine how infuriating it must have been to have folks think it was all created by the media! Finally, the phone lines.

And to think that all these years later folks carry phones in pockets! Times have changed and yet they have not. Speaking of about a decade later, holy cow did we get lucky! Bruce went to play pickleball on Friday and I went to make sure what time I was meant to volunteer at the sale. Seeing a card table and chairs, I admired the good look. When Bruce returned with the car I asked him to pop over and if he liked it, please purchase said table/chairs. I was thinking when it finally cools off somewhat, we could eat on the front porch, or even the back for that matter. But I digress. Seemingly it was still there because folks deemed it too expensive at $25 and I get that because everything at the White Tag sale was so CHEAP!! What I thought was a close out price for last year's iron find was merely what they charged for small appliances. As a reminder, $2.00.  Anyway, here is the beauty in the basement, set up by my honey.

Turns out it is from the 50's and folks are asking $350 for the set online!! And wouldn't you know it, Mary Beth called late Saturday asking if we had one she could borrow for the monthly dinner. Actually she asked if we had one, and I replied, as of yesterday I do! 

She supplemented this beautiful set up on their deck,

and here is Mark helping himself to a lovely vegetable tray. He, of the cook for the event, as in making his own lasagna noodles for our enjoyment.

Dottie, whose back is to the camera, made some really delicious bread for the group.

The view from the beautiful deck cannot be beat!

As one of our field trips last year, we made our way to the Valley River to see a place that Bruce might fish, turning left upon seeing the sign for fishing. (brown sign on right)

I am pretty sure at the time it never occurred to us that we would not only know people, not one, but two couples who live on/off the road, meaning MaryBeth and Mark, along with Jack and Nancy who were kind enough to invite us to their outstanding home and property. Is it any wonder that we are so happy here???

Visiting yet another home last week, and believe it or not, I drove there by myself (!), I was excited to see Marji's home on Birdie Way. Duh, I was thinking of birdies, as in ones that fly, however, it is in a part of town that once had a golf course, thus the name. Nonetheless, she is still having fun with the name.

One of the things I so like about this area is the diversity of homes and Marji's is no exception with a very welcoming porch greeting you as you arrive.

Inside is charming as can be, and if I read her right, she was shocked at how many things I exclaimed over. We don't know each other all that well, so my boundless enthusiasm for all things interesting might have been a little much? Or maybe she liked it? Our lunch included some delicious vegetables from her garden!! Loads of folks we know have gardens but it may be too shady in the back for us to join the bandwagon? 

Along with a shared love of all things fabric and quilting, we both were very much taken with the Wade's Whimsies from my last post. However, she has a much more interesting place to display them.

I came home with a bunch of very interesting fabrics to use for whatever strikes my fancy in the next few months. Woo hoo! 

And now we shall turn our attention to Campbell Street where more exciting things are happening. As in unexpected visitors. Well actually, we invited them to see the house but the unexpected part is that they are from Orlando and were downtown for the monthly art walk. Knowing that Sandy, (who lives in our Orlando neighborhood) would be dying to tell everyone about our lucky find, we asked her if she,

along with her son's in-laws, Steve and Debbie, would fancy coming over?

All three have a place in Murphy and were in town for a meeting. We play pickleball with Steve when he is here in Murphy and prior to that, at Dover Shores, so he is no stranger. Anyway, we had a good time catching up. Plus, they are the last folks to see the room as it was. 

Was, being the operative word here as Mr. Peck began the arduous task of painting the living room. First a good part of the furniture retired to the parlor for the duration.

While I was leaving to work at the sale, he was underway.

Deciding there was no reason to reinvent the wheel, we went with Sherwin Williams Arts and Crafts colors. What made this project SO difficult was the presence of countless openings to cut around, not to mention the heavy wall texture!

Oh my goodness, nearly there! Finally after more hours than he thought possible, it was time to get out the roller.

Nearing the finish line!

Here's a little story for you. Sort of a story within the story if you will. Anyway, when he was cutting around the windows that have the stained glass hanging on them, he found evidence of a previous paint color and by golly, it was nearly the same green!!! We had heard from Mr. Vespasian that the woman who was there between their two times living here, had painted it up like, in his words, like an Easter basket. He immediately painted it back to the pale yellow that they had before! Well, it is time to say goodbye to safe! When Bruce was nearly finished I told him I had a great title for the blog when I was writing about this and in true Gail fashion, I forgot it between then and now! 

To our eyes it looks as if it was meant to be. I did just re-read that last post and I mentioned being nervous about the color; I am nervous no more! Love it.

The Olympics! How I wish I could watch more! Getting the channels to work right has been a real challenge. Thankfully, there is always YouTube.

Remember when there was a time that no blog entry did not include a whole bunch of bird shots? You know the ones! It is much more challenging here, but I did manage to get one of the Goldfinch at the new feeder, courtesy of Bill and Linda.

Going back in time, I found this post from 2013 when I had Goldfinch visit my feeders in Orlando, a fairly rare occurrence. If you take the time to read it, you will see that I essentially write the same thing all of the time!

That said, I never had hydrangeas before and I certainly did not have them in all stages of, what shall I call it? Diminishment? That doesn't sound right.

Any better ideas? The photograph on the right is the last of the Price family intact. Sisters on either side of me have died. 

Doing all that we can, while you can has become our mantra! May I suggest you do the same?

your friend,


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