Monday, October 21, 2024

Stay Tuned

Once again, I am struggling with my photo library which means several things. The program runs super slow, and oftentimes not very well causing me endless frustration. If not for the fact that Bruce is having dental work, I would probably just get another computer and start over, however, for now, let me celebrate the gifts that this has brought, including this gem that showed up.

Back when it all started!! Dressed up and ready to go to maybe homecoming in Melbourne? That sounds weird to me because I knew like one person at that high school, and other than this photo, I have no memory of the night whatsoever!! 

I have Matthew to thank for finding this other library that contained so many of my early photos and plenty of goodies from when I was selling photographs, including this one I took using our swimming pool for the background.

And finally, as far as oldies but goodies goes, my #1 selling photograph...taken in Deland, FL.

I honestly thought these were lost so to have found them is a big thrill for this blogger.

Let us talk about the here and now, shall we? 

Oops, not so fast Gail. One more that I had already transferred to the desktop for this post.

Bruce with the sledgehammer while working on the Orlando International Airport in the late 70's. 

Well that is a lot to digest; perhaps I should quit while I am ahead?

Shoot, you know me better than that! 

A wonderful time was had by all on our little hiking excursion with some church friends, some of whom you have met along this journey we are on together. 

From the left, Bruce, Cobby, Mary Beth and Mark. We were on a trail related to the Nottely Dam and it was just right for me because the elevations were not horrible, and there were mushrooms to boot.

But first we had to get there and that meant about a 12 mile drive into Georgia and some serious fog.

Fog is ever present most mornings this time of year. 

But it is not everywhere! Here is Diane (married to Cobby), and their very sweet granddaughter Brook doing some exploring lakeside.

Turning the other direction, thanks to Mary Beth who was holding my walking sticks,

it looked like this!

What I especially like is when the steam rises from the lake.

Not only am I well known for being somewhat of a talker, I am slow in my walking and eating too. Not related I realize, but just so you know. Some folks are interested in the end of the journey while others were kind enough to enjoy the sights along the way. The forest floor is so full of interesting things I find it difficult to rush past.

To my interests, that is pincushion moss. I don't actually have a pincushion with me but I am very familiar with them. This morning while playing pickleball I was thinking how it might have been better if I had stayed behind my sewing machine instead of on the courts getting beat in most games! 

Before leaving the area for lunch at a nearby barbecue place, with no restroom I might add, but they do have a fabric store and quilting studio, so there's that,

We walked over to what they were calling the cliffs, 

and this beautiful view.

Stay tuned in the title refers to the changing leaves which are happening NOW! Countless times I have mentioned how dry it has been causing the leaves to not be nearly as supple as they might, but they are most definitely changing and beautiful in spite of the drought.

That blue sky is for real. Yesterday afternoon while Bruce was busy I took a walk along the main road through town. The park is now very familiar to you all and this is what it looked like yesterday about four in the afternoon.

The trouble is that the bright sunshine is making the colors look a little less vibrant in the photo,s but you can see things are heading in the right direction. The mountain is showing signs here, but where we really saw it today was behind Walmart; oh my goodness it is looking beautiful. As fate would have it, my cameras were at home because we went straight from the courts. This week I will document the changes and guess who gets to come along for the ride? YOU do.

I took the photo below of our neighbor across the street about four days ago,

and today it looks like this:

Perhaps you spot our house on the right? If not here is what our tree looks like today.

The top part is all burnt orange at the moment, but I'm thinking it might turn red? The inside is still mostly pale green.

Finally!! A cardinal photo!! Plus I spotted this White Breasted Nuthatch the other day. Note the hydrangeas.

How long they will last is anyone's guess, but I do have several new blooms and buds on the bushes.

This time of year there are festivals galore in the neighboring towns. We skipped the "Punkin Chunkin" in Brasstown, instead heading over to Blairsville for the Sorghum Festival. What is sorghum you ask? Sort of like molasses and from the smell of them cooking it, probably not all that tasty.

We arrived late in the afternoon, so hopefully they had more folks earlier in the day.

Held in Meeks Park, the setting is just lovely. Plus they have moonshine! 
Tasted by neither of us btw.

There were pony rides, a jumpy thing for kids, and if you were strong enough, climbing a pole was a thing.

Impressively, she made it all the way to the top, cheered on by the crowd.

The setting, what a park it is! 

Look at me! Getting my post done on Monday afternoon! Yippee! I meant that literally and figuratively btw.

My business used to be called Out & About Photography and while I no longer have that business per se, I am still out and about having fun taking photos! I am most definitely staying tuned.

your friend,



Katrina from Central Florida said...

Wabi-Sabi (Japanese)
A way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.

Gail Peck said...

Funny that you should send that. A friend whose son worked for a big gallery in NYC once bought a print from me after looking at many. He claimed that there was something not quite right with all my photographs which made them more interesting. I've never forgotten that although it is merely by happenstance, not to mention I don't know what I am doing aside from Wabi-Sabi!

Kernel Panic Loop