Most people around these parts would agree that it has been a cold winter and those same folks are tiring of it, so having signs of Spring is such a relief. Not that winter is over yet, but seeing new life on bare branches does wonders for a person's spirit. The only thing I dislike about winter is having to wear pants and a bunch of clothes. So many decisions to make about what to wear! Plus, did I tell you how I brought only one of two different brown boots? How I did that is a real mystery. It is still cold by Florida standards, but warmer weather is on the way, or so we hope!
So I am loving my new kitchen window which was not pictured very well befor,e but now it is. Obviously, this is not a staged photo because you can tell real life is going on.
Since I took the photo above, at Bruce's suggestion I have removed the middle curtains and actually I am soon going to be making different ones, although I love the fabric, I do want to be able to cover the window in the event that the afternoon sun is too bright. As they are made they only cover one half of the window.Serendipity folks! I had just picked up some cute red and white fabric for a song at the thrift store in Andrews, so that is coming up next. For now, I am working on the quilt when I can, and have one quarter of it quilted to date. I've decided it reminds me of butterscotch.
As you have come to expect, projects, projects and more projects!! Since we arrived Bruce has really disliked our dresser. While functional and well-built, the style is not really ours, but we are grateful to have it so this isn't a complaint. More a style choice if you will. So one day last week Bruce got to work on freeing the mirror from the hutch part.
What you are looking at is a big hutch that had outlived its usefulness. Before you begin to wonder why we don't just get a new dresser, I've got an answer for you. Getting furniture up the staircase is next to impossible, which I think is why they were eager to leave the furniture for us! He did it!! Now there is actually room on top of the dresser whereas before that hutch took up almost all of the space. It can't be overstated how grateful I am to have a husband that can tackle most any project.Here is what happened to the dresser parts. It has been too chilly and too dark for us to sit by a fire until Saturday afternoon when it was pleasant. Two days later a fire ban has been put in effect so we just made it.
Oh well, in our little town a round- about is going in and wow, folks are not happy. The only thing I am bothered about is the construction is going to prevent them from planting all of the beautiful downtown flowers. Boo hoo!
Switching gears for a moment, here is Mr. Bright Eyes, aka Christian, at three months!
Both Fallon and Bill have been great at keeping us abreast of his development and we could not be any happier for them as they celebrated seven years of marriage yesterday with an adorable new family member.So let's have a look at those signs of spring that the title refers to, shall we?
Look at these cute little flowers by the front steps!! From a mass of ragged looking fronds, this is emerging.Walking around the block I spotted some color in Jason's yard and discovered a gorgeous plant that I learned is called a Lenten Rose. How fitting!Take a closer look at the bloom, just as the bright sun landed on the plant.With the lengthening days, and tiny bit warmer weather, the kids are once again out playing.On this day, the clouds appeared as if suspended in the air.Most all of the trees are still leafless, but in the park there are a few that are beginning to bud. This House Finch is glad to have something to eat.Living with seasons has been a dream of mine ever since our year in Vancouver, so I am especially grateful to have the support of our family to make this dream come true.I do so love seeing the bluebirds!
Another project is underway downstairs so Mr,. and not Mrs,. is involved. Months ago we acquired an old chair from the house that was torn down adjacent to the church. Actually David had it first, but Randy said, "not on your life! We have no room!" So it has been on our front porch ever since. One of the warm afternoons last week, Bruce laid down on the porch floor in the sunshine for a little nap and when he woke up he decided it was time to tackle the chair.Unbeknownst to us, David was nearby, so when he received my text about Bruce beginning to work on the chair, he came right over for, as he called it, "the big reveal." His knowledge of arts and crafts furniture far exceeds ours so it was good to have him here. He was most eager to know if it was a Stickley chair. (it is not). The chair had been painted and a padded back added. First Bruce took the seat out and what happened next was pretty neat. Over a hundred years in the life of this chair, taste changed as was evidenced by the number of fabric covers he uncovered!
Not one, not two, not even three but five covers!! Then came the original leather seat cover!What Bruce learned from David is that using a heat gun would be the most efficient way to remove the paint so with Lowes only blocks away, nothing was stopping Bruce now. Using a heat gun had a learning curve, but in no time, he most definitely had the hang of it.Note the original slats that were uncovered once the back was removed.And now it is ready for the rockers that were removed at some point.He's made a template for a rocker which will probably be in use later today after he returns from his Big Brother stint at the local middle school. I will keep you posted.Saturday on our way to Cobby and Diane's house we came across something that warmed our hearts.
What pray tell could you mean Gail? In the middle of a large intersection, on what we call "the four lane,", an entire pickup truck load of wood had escaped the bed, scattering on the road. No less than ten people stopped, pulling their trucks to the side of the road, and helped the stranger re-load his wood. Very nice indeed.We were riding with them to Crane Creek winery, planning to while away the warmish afternoon. While in their yard Bruce pointed out this bird.
By golly, it is one I had never before seen!! A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. They also told me they have Screech Owls on their property and you can count me jealous on that front.We met Randy and David there.
It was so packed we found seating inside. It really turned out great because we could hear the live music through the open doors.The vineyard looks like this now, but not for too much longer!After months and months of bareness, color is so very welcome! Seeing stems or stalks coming up out of the ground is so magical, and to think it is only going to get better from here!your friend,