Thursday, January 7, 2016

No One

In the recent past, having a conversation with someone who will remain nameless, I asked "who cleans your house?" The answer--"no one," said with a straight face. Chuckling, I thought it wasn't too far off from an answer I might give! However, on occasion, I get my butt in gear, and make an attempt at cleaning, which is what I did very early yesterday morning. I like to think our home is tidy which is the way we are content. Putting away the everyday decorations, I got a little carried away with tidiness and when the time came to put everything back out I could NOT find where I had put multiple items, which was driving me pretty much crazy. During my searches for said lost items I came across these two amazing photographs of Bruce's Mom, and Dad.
Aren't they fantastic?? Doesn't he look like Elvis? Uncanny! Another thing I'd misplaced which was causing great chagrin was a box of tea Matt brought home from Bath, England. I'd searched high and low, as had Bruce. Apparently not high enough though; it was hiding in a bowl on the top shelf!
Good morning indeed!

Thinking of Matt, how cute is this box of notecards???
From the Library of Congress, they are copies of the original cards for famous literature throughout history. Not only are the cards fantastic, the envelopes are as well. Just large enough for a quick note through snail mail. Have you made your resolutions for the new year? If not, consider one where you send someone a personal note every month. It will make their day.

A blast from the past this blog post called Why Blog? is. What I wrote in December 2012 still holds true. Coming across it on my statistics page, what is really interesting is that I'd already planned to add a squirrel photo to today's post. This guy sat for the longest time on my bird feeder pole, waving his tail every which way. I thought it was to maintain balance, however, when I knocked on the glass door, he ran down that pole as quick as a wink!
Most of this week has pretty much been taken up with quilting. Since September 1987 I've kept these pages from Family Circle, but now they have found their way into the trash bin. And yes, they were this yellowed.
Called them modern back then, wonder how these blocks would be received today? The reason for the bin? The measurements on the card trick block were not accurate, thus my struggles. I guess I finally found the time to test it out? Speaking of modern quilting, the runner I made for Tom's folks is a version of this.
Taken at Wandering Stitches, the quilting is to die for--computer generated it is.

Monday night Pam and I attended a quilt guild meeting at the Marks Street Senior Center (!!). I forget sometimes that I AM a senior! Anyway, who knew there was so much to talk about?
Turns out there is a lot to talk about, including many opportunities for sewists? That, by the way, is the latest term for people who sew. (!) A representative from the VA hospital was there to receive beautiful newly made quilts from some of the guild members. As well, the woman below, whom Pam met at Master Gardeners, is giving a demonstration of the English paper piecing method. 
There were other demonstrations as well, including one on traditional piecing which is really what I've been doing this week with some fabric I'd purchased, who knows when. My intention is to give it to Project Linus. Should you wonder what that is all about, click on the link.

Although I've been making quilts for a very long time, I was by no means an expert. I may never become expert, but I do want to improve, which means taking my time. In the past I did not pay enough attention to all facets, beginning with the cutting. Accuracy really matters. In a book of patterns I chose the one Bruce most liked-- you can see it open on the table.
And, although in the past I've not been much of a pinner, I was this time. There are 21 large blocks, as well as 6 half blocks to make, which I did by chain piecing after pinning.
This is where that thread cutter shines--no chance of nicking your block with it! In truth, I was hoping not to make it quite so large as my machine quilting skills are in their infancy. So, I made about 15 blocks, setting them out on our bed to dream up a pleasing arrangement.
Not so fast Gail! Showing Bruce, he questioned me, after looking at the picture, and was he ever right! To make it all come together with the white forming another pattern, I had to make them all. And I did, finishing them late yesterday afternoon. The entire top is put together, and then it was time to figure out the backing. How I am every going to quilt it is beyond me, but I am going to give it a go. Not today though, as Pam, Lisa, and I, are going to the World Quilt Show at the Convention Center in a few hours. Will I be inspired or discouraged? We shall soon see.

I thought you would be happy to know that I called Corrine in Alabama and she is doing quite well under her daughter's care.  How is Herb you ask? I don't know, but the moment I do, I'll fill you in. It is pretty lonely in our section of the neighborhood with two empty houses across the way. Yesterday afternoon, when the weather warmed up a bit for a ride, I picked one of Corrine's hibiscus to put in my bike holder.
Bruce had to fly up to DC yesterday morning for the installation of some new wind screens--the former ones were too wimpy for that location. His job here in Orlando is in the demolition phase which should go on for another couple weeks. It is a really nice change having his job so very close!

Some of you know that son Bill is an amazing guitar player, having practiced like nobodies business for the last 20 years. Approached about doing some online guitar lessons on a website, they have been going very well. By day he is a banker, by night he is both a teacher, and a pitchman. Watching the video, I was struck by what a natural he is. Check it out!

Did I mention that my new table placement is amazing? An oversight on my part if I did not. Being able to work from both sides of the table is a game changer...

In the year 2016, perhaps when asked who cleans my house I will be able to say, someone? :)

Working on improving,


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