Well, to that I say--profound? Who cares? If I were to guess, most folks that come back to this little space on the World Wide Web aren't looking for the profound, instead, they may, or so I hope, appreciate my joy in the ordinary. After all, most of life is pretty ordinary, don't you think? Year after year, the days go by, and it is what you make of the ordinary that brings happiness. At least that's how I see it.
Continually amazed at the little things, I find something to be thrilled with every single day. Take for example this darling little tag I noticed on my tea bags from Matt. Indeed, that is my cup of tea.
It looks like this once you are done with the machine stitching...
Sorry for another one of the binding--just wanting to show off the cute Paris fabric on the back.
By the way, I bought that darling fabric for a shirtwaist dress, only to discover I did not have an adequate amount. In my humble opinion, it works perfectly here. During the college football championship game I sewed, by hand, all of the binding onto the back. The game was long! Plus, Clemson lost, although they did play a hell of a game. Nonetheless, it kept me sitting still long enough to complete the hand stitching. In the morning, I washed it in the machine, and before you know it, I'd given it away, but not before taking this shot to show you how it turned out.
Here is the last, and I promise, quilt news in this post. Pam brought over her latest; she's calling it a Lily Pulitzer lap quilt. It helps that pink and green are her favorite colors! Isn't it cute?
Oops, I got a little ahead of myself with that promise. One more thing...we went to Wandering Stitches last night for the "class night" when they show off all the classes for the year. Just when you thought it was all gray haired woman quilting...
Nope, not everyone is old, and there were even a few men in the crowd. Plus, of all things, both Pam and I won something in the raffle! AND, the woman sitting next to Pam lives in Southern Oaks and was as friendly as can be. I'm thinking you'll be hearing more about Pat in the coming months.
What other ordinary things do I have for you today? How does a Great Blue Heron nest sound?
Only three doors down from us!! This morning, during my ride, I stopped to talk to Regina in front of this house. She was out walking her cute Welsh Corgi, Argyle, as she does every morning. While we were chatting I pointed out the nest, and wouldn't you know it, in the next few moments the male came flying in, presumably with food for mama on the nest! She said, "how do you spot these things?" I guess I'm always looking?
There is certainly nothing special about a hibiscus flower in Florida. You can find them everywhere, but when the light hits them just right, I find it magical.
Finally leaving the house yesterday for much needed food shopping, as well as other supplies, I pulled my camera out of my purse lickety split when I noticed this great cloud formation.
Driving home, this crazy car made me wonder what kind of person does this????
Riding my bike, our state bird perched on a palm frond says Florida to me.
How do you like this darling mini bench in front of someone's house?
After some searching for Maureen, I discovered that indeed, we have seen Mexican Flame vines in January before, but I've yet to do the same research as to sunflowers. This patch is blooming in front of a super crummy house trailer, sprucing the place up immeasurably.
The bees are having a hey day! More flowers? Why yes, I'm posting another flower because not only is it orange, but it brings a smile to my face every time I ride past it on my bicycle.
My bicycle ride? Super chilly this morning, that's for sure. I had to force myself to go, but once out and about, I was happy I did because otherwise I'd be missing all the excitement of the outdoors. You just never know what you will see. The giant wingspan of a Great Blue Heron for example....
With joy in my heart,
p.s. I learned that the handmade blankets and quilts donated to our local Project Linus chapter go mostly to the Children's Advocacy Center serving foster children. Apparently the hospitals get all the goodies while the foster children are ignored. Now you know.
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