Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A Proper Snow

Doesn't everyone just assume that it snows in the mountains? I know I sure did! Last winter, snow fell a few times, however, not enough to hang around for long or make much of an impression for that matter.

Finally,we had a proper snow late last week and plenty of it. So much so that much remains, especially in the shady areas. 

In spite of me not feeling well, I could not resist going out in the snow, never having had the experience before! And yes, in Vancouver we had a few snow days, but it was in the park adjacent to our condo. Here, having your own yard and neighborhood took the experience to new heights! 

Snow photos ahead.....

Although I was hoping my feeling poorly was going to be a small stumbling block, my hopes were dashed. No need to go into too many details except to say that I had another episode of dehydration which landed me in the hospital emergency room for some hours. Finally, about ten days later, I am nearing the end of this misery! 

So the forecast was for a big snow that was to arrive around 11 in the morning. Okay, putting on plenty of clothes, I went out to fill the feeders around 8:30 ahead of the storm. It was weirdly calm and not really all that cold, however, when I was at the first feeder, tiny flakes began falling. To date I am not skilled at filling the Bird Buddy so Mr. Peck came out to complete that task.

It began looking so cute with the snow on the roof!

Lets just say I could not get enough of bird watching, with more activity than I could ever have imagined. 

I would go outside in my UGGS and thank God for them! Years and years ago, during an unusually cold snap in Orlando, Bruce brought them to me at a market, having stopped at Bloomindales on his way because he knew I was so darn cold. Rarely have they been worn, but I am so thrilled that I brought them with me because things would not have gone nearly as smoothly during my outdoor jaunts! 

What I learned from this experience is that birds of all kinds go into a feeding frenzy during a snow storm. At times there were scores of birds, either on one of the feeders or on the ground, especially as the hours passed. 

My camera struggled to focus at times as the snow kept falling, heavy until four in the afternoon. Various people have claimed to know how much snow fell, but I am going to average it out to 4.5 inches. 

This was the view through the parlor window so not great but it does give you a notion as to the number of our avian friends that came calling.

All shapes and sizes including a bird I have rarely seen here in North Carolina, a Spotted Towhee, a favorite of mine while we were living in Vancouver.

Our next door neighbor Daniel was so good, taking Jude and Farah all over town in their sled.

A salt truck came by, probably because we are so close to city hall!

A little later on Jude and his friend came back on their way to some sledding.

More bird action on the Japanese Maple a few hours later.

Daniel and Chastity's snowman began getting covered in snow.

The weary hydrangeas became even wearier.

No bird stands out in the snow more than a male Northern Cardinal. At least three pairs showed up during the storm, making for quite the show!

The view towards town.

There is an empty lot on the other side of our home and I stood in the snow on that lot to take this of our home, well really the tall trees along the border of our property.

Sandi's house across from that lot.

The boys were having so much fun heading down this huge hill late in the morning.

Crash landing at the bottom!

While cold, it was so beautiful.

My Uggs came in very handy as I went alongside the house, hoping to get some photos of the birds in the snow. The heater is on this side of the house and it was steaming like mad in the cold weather, prompting me to go higher than I'd hoped to!

The backyard and all of the bird houses that we hope will be filled with little birdies one day.

You know me, I took far more photos than I am showing you because, well, that's what I do and especially when there is such a fantastic lifetime event! 

Meanwhile, Bruce and John had begun the ramp building project. Actually it was delayed because of him spending most of the day with me during my health visits (euphemism alert!), however, once the snow stopped they were fast at it. I, of course, was at home nursing my little sick self while they braved excruciating weather conditions for four days! John was snowed in and could not make it down the mountain, so he walked in that cold to meet Bruce at the end of his road! Yup, he walked over a mile, fortunately, with nary an accident. 

Doesn't that just look miserable to you? Not enough sun yet to warm things up! A few days later it was done, but not without a whole lot of willpower on both of their parts!

Speaking of needing a ramp, I was so happy that although there are plenty of steps leading up to the house, we can use the walk-out basement option which is what I did to go in the backyard. Before leaving for his ramp building, Bruce popped over to the local hardware store for some salt for the steps. 

The sun has been shining brightly ever since that beautiful snow day which has helped with melting, but lots of folks are still not able to leave their properties! Our house looked like this two days ago. Still there are pockets of snow and ice meaning that yesterday, when I finally left the house, I walked with great care. I have not attempted the river walk, oh heavens no I have not, but maybe when we return it will all have melted. That said, some very cold, especially overnight, temperatures are in the forecast.

Oh Florida friends, before I forget, look at the huge magnolia tree covered in snow! Doesn't it look fantastic?

Holy cow, I just looked and snow is forecast for next Friday! Hmm...

Here is a look at the hill where the kids were sledding, taken this morning.

No one is leaving their homes on Bayless Street, I suspect! 

So the proper snow was fantastic, and of course I was going crazy, but look who we are going to see that will be even more fantastic. Here's hoping I continue to improve.

Then again, it makes me think of some gatherings during Covid, if it takes a mask, a mask it is! 

Won't be long now.

your friend,


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