Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Frozen Fog! Say What?

One morning last week, it must have been Tuesday because I was walking to church for my volunteer work. Nine in the morning it was. Before leaving our home I noticed that the everything just looked different and indeed I was not imagining it because when I got to church I asked Maggie about it and she said it was on the television news earlier in the morning. It is a bit of a stretch; the closest television news comes from Chattanooga, some 91 miles away. Still, I suppose they talk about our area, however, I've never checked it out myself. Anyway, she said they gave it a name she could not recall.  Sleuthing around a little when I returned home I discovered the phenom I was seeing is called "freezing fog". Here's a little explanation. 

And here are the photos I took. Note the top of the courthouse behind the fog. Those trees!!

Once I came down our little hill I turned around and it looked mighty intriguing. I started to type cool which would be a little silly wouldn't it? It did create black ice as I learned later but fortunately my walk was without incident.

Our street is the road at the top left of the picture. Before leaving the house I took this photo of the ice crystals on our mailbox.

At my age having new experiences is just what the doctor ordered! 

Not just what the doctor ordered is the propane bill that just came through. Holy cow!! This home is equipped with a dual heating system meaning if the temperature goes below freezing the propane gas kicks in. When Mr. Vespasian explained it while we were looking at the house, it made no sense to me, however, now I know how it works and it works quite well presuming you have the funds. This week they filled up the tank because we had used a lot this cold winter, I believe it was 150+ gallons. Who knew propane was so expensive? Not me. While I will not enjoy paying the $550+ bill, I can do it. My heart is sad for those who will be choosing between heat and food. 

That said, the weather today is super with a beautiful bright blue sky along with abundant sunshine. Pickleball was so much fun yesterday morning because we were comfortable, so much so that we played for longer than is typical of late. While taking a walk later that same day sounded like a good idea, I was glad that I had packed a book in my camera bag because mostly how I spent that hour, sitting at a picnic table in the warm sunshine. Families were out in full force.

So often during the winter I am mostly by myself in the huge park, but not on this day. The crack of a bat from the practicing girls softball was the background noise as I read a fun little book I'd gotten at the library. A detective novel it is. I don't know about you, but I am enjoying mysteries far more often these days. We watched a super series on Agatha Christie and how she became the world's best selling author. Over two BILLION copies!! Unreal. In that vein, last night we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders and it was really something! Kept us guessing until the end. How they have come up with plots to fill 23 seasons is beyond me.

Okay, so back to the park. The temperature around five in the evening was nearly 60 degrees when this happened: two boys were kicking a soccer ball which flew right by me on the ground and into the river!!

I could not imagine that he pulled up his pant legs and went into the river, but that he did and was successful.

No matter the air temperature, that river water must have been very cold indeed. I would say that there were probably overnight freezing temperatures all through January, however, we are getting a ten day reprieve which will be nice. Everyone is so curious how we are doing in the cold and for me I am good, however, Mr. Bruce oftentimes wants to turn up the heat! I have been encouraging him to dress for the weather. 

Especially in the basement! He has two space heaters that he runs liberally, as well he should, because it is quite chilly, however it has not kept him from building another bookcase for our office.

He's making excellent progress since the photo was taken on Saturday afternoon, in fact he is nearly finished. We do love a good bookcase.

Additionally he has hung some things we brought back from Orlando, pieces with sentimental value and we all know that I am the sentimental sort. Who knows how long ago it was but his parents bought the round hanging over the door frame for us, the type of art I cannot recall. 

Here's a better look at it.

Normally, well listen to me, all eight months that we have been here (!), I have a trailing plant in that alcove, however, the heat comes from the floor just below and it was hard keeping the heat off of the plant. For now it looks like the above.

Upstairs in my sewing room I brought both that little shelving trolly and the artwork displayed above it.

Our deceased sister Carol did that for a 25th anniversary present. Reading what she wrote on the back brought tears to my eyes. 

More sentimental stuff my friends!! The kitchen cabinets go to the ceiling and are pretty much worthless they are so high which gave me the opportunity to put one of them to use for something else. Many years ago Matthew gave me a sailboat set of salt and pepper shakers. (see below) At the time I had no idea that people collected s&p shakers, however, since that time I have discovered that indeed they do. The bright orange ones were a gift from some neighbors and a tiny bit of a collecting bug bit me. 

Indeed I turned the empty space into a space that brings me joy, thinking of those who have been good to me over the years. I have to admit to buying the yellow owls on the top left at our favorite downtown antique store. Made in Japan in the mid 50's well, if you have read this blog for years on end you know I have a reputation for liking owls. Not that I have seen any lately, but I'm still a fan!

Should you be an owl fan, and I do know there are some amongst my readers, this post from April 2017 is titled Mostly Owl Related. Looking back at it, there are some really special photos in that post even if I do say so myself. Check it out.

Robins were visiting Orlando during our visit because the camphor trees behind our home are filled with berries. I have no idea what all of the Robins are eating here in the mostly bare landscape, but there sure are a bunch of them.

Here's a fun close up.

Following my time at church this morning I took a walk. Unlike yesterday afternoon when I was pooped, I felt good and energetic after a good night's sleep.  As stated earlier, the day is gorgeous and warm by NC standards. I'm including a few areas below that have been featured before because I cannot wait to document the next few months.  The miracle that we call Spring is but six or so weeks away. 

It boggles my mind thinking about the upcoming changes to the landscape.

All of the bareness will be no more.

A friend recently exclaimed how my images would be encouraging folks to move to Murphy. I wonder if that is true? 

I will close with a crazy thing that happened in the last few days. I received a lengthy email from a woman with a compelling subject line. In Any Language 95/200. The gist of two very lengthy emails is that she bought the above named print of mine in a second-hand store and wanted to know if I would come and speak to a group.......it went on and on. I politely declined, but I did respond that it pleased me to no end that one of my prints was having a second-hand life. But of course!!  

Along those same lines as we were standing in line at Ingles I picked up a thrifting magazine that had a labeled price of $14.95! Can you imagine a true thrifter buying a magazine at that price? I sure cannot.

The weather is meant to stay fairly warm both here and in Orlando. Haha...the day we left the temperature began rising and this very day it is nearly 40 degrees warmer than when we were there!! 

The family is thriving both here and abroad.

Could we ask for anything more? I should say not.

your friend,


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Signs of Spring