Sunday, January 31, 2016

What Have You Gotten Me Into??

I noticed someone had read an old post, called "Winter Color", and after reading it myself, I thought how short my memory is. Turns out we thought that year, 2013, the weather was unusual for winter. Aren't they all?? And what is normal anyway?

That said, how about this for some Winter color?? Oh my gosh, the sun finally came out on Friday and look at that sky!
There is no editing whatsoever on the photograph--the colors were just this vibrant explaining why I pulled over to the side of the road to take the shot! I want to remember it on the inevitable next dreary day. Speaking of which, Thursday the rain continued most all day. And, lest you think I was exaggerating about the pool...
We've now drained a bunch out, and while doing so yesterday morning, I heard an unfamiliar bird call. Scanning the trees, I saw a large bird in one of our Pine trees, about 80 feet in the air. Running inside, I grabbed the Nikon which has the longest zoom, and in a first for me, I took a shot of a Peregrine Falcon in the wild whose call you can listen to here ,should you so desire.
A very handsome bird, but one I'm not thrilled about having around should said falcon try and scoop up one of our Cardinals!!

Speaking of birds, which as any longtime reader of Camera Crazy knows is par for the course on this blog, someone made me aware of a website featuring a live cam of some Eagle hatchlings, prompting me to want to check on our Herons down the street. They are so high up it is hard to tell much, however, I was surprised to see at least three Herons there; possibly a fourth, although I never could be certain.
My zoom just does not reach far enough to get any good shots, but what I can see with my eyes is so very interesting.

On that rainy Thursday afternoon, Cheryle came by and said Catherine was due to return from England around 6, so why not join them for dinner? The promise of good friends and a FIRE in the fireplace was more than I could resist. However, turns out Catherine's flight was delayed, so although she would not be there, airbnb guests from both Switzerland and Finland would. David made a lovely fire, we ate, and chatted. I was smitten with these cute Finnish twins who are documentary film makers.
Their English was excellent, and I learned a heck of a lot about Finland over the course of two hours. As you know I am pretty partial to boys!

The photo below is merely for nostalgia. Driving home from an errand on Friday I came across this house with the VW station wagon in the front yard. I might add there was a MINI Cooper as well, although I could not get it in the shot. Anyway, when Bruce and I were married we had a VW Fastback which is not something you see every day either. Close enough for the memories...
As to today's post title, here it comes. About two weeks ago I received an email via Cheryle about volunteering to attend an open house nearby. Could we come on Saturday, January 30th at 11? Long story short, it was for the show, which apparently premiered last night, Zombie House Flippers on the FYI network. Much to my surprise, there was a front page article in the Sentinel about the show yesterday, so should you be wanting to know more, read this.

I'd seen work being done on this house while bike riding, but did not know immediately that it was part of their little empire. As the paint went on the exterior, I had my suspicions and they proved right.
I wrote about the house they did on Cheryle's street here. As we were walking up, Bruce looked at me and said had I known what they would want from us, I'm not sure I would have agreed.

What have you gotten me into???

A mic, for starters:
We were given instructions about what to wear, no logos, no all white or black, no crazy patterns; those were their main no-nos. And then it was on-camera time. We basically walked through the house with the realtor, making exclamations about how great everything is. The producer suggested we go as over the top as we could. For me it was not hard to do at all because it is a really pretty home. Brucer, on the other hand, was slightly more restrained, which is no surprise. He did look mighty cute. It took about an hour, and when it was all done, I shot this photo of the realtor, Ashley, and one of the two cameramen in the newly sodded front yard.
I suspect the nearly one hour of filming will result in about a twenty second shot of us, but who knows? Plus, I haven't the slightest idea when it will air but should I find out, I will let you know.

And no, we could not afford the house!

So many little time,


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