Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Busy Day

My geology professor had to judge a science fair today--hurray! I got up early anyway and went to school to speak with a counselor. We discovered the source of my confusion--the audit I was thinking about included two more classes for this semester than I actually took. Matt wisely talked me out of the schedule I had registered for because of my stupid HEALTH! Wow, I never envisioned I would be writing something like that. It's all sorted out now, and I know what I need to do. Algebra test--not good.; a 68--class average was 66. Dreadful test.

It is extremely puzzling to me about flickr. I think I have taken some pretty nice pictures--I know I'm nothing out of the ordinary, but the photo that has been viewed the most--159 times --is of my new Calvin Klein black patent leather heels. Because my feet have been discolored of late, I have on black panty hose, and it's really a silly picture. I stumbled on the fact that there is a contingent of people that like shoes and feet, so my plan is to pander to them.

I took a random shot of Michelle's heels at their Super Bowl party and posted it. The thing is that Bill and Dave, and their girlfriends, are very cute, however, their pictures were largely ignored. It was the shoes that people--over 50--clicked on. It is baffling to me, but I decided to experiment taking shoe pics, and posted a few. Again, the lookers came. I'm now ready to post more of the silly things. I'm hoping one of these days an interesting photo I take gets noticed!

Just got off the phone with the bank--apparently there were attempts to use our credit card on line yesterday and they have terminated my MC--it is the only credit card I own; fortunately, I'm not much of a charger, but it is kinda scary. What's a person to do?

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