Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Older Adult Student

One thing I can tell you is, that it is challenging being an older adult student, not merely because the subject matter is sometimes difficult, but one must be very self disciplined to keep it up. I am at an age where I can do pretty much anything I want with my days. To get a degree one must take subjects one does not care about and at the moment, I am taking two such classes--algebra and historical geology. Fortunately, the end of this nonsense is in sight; my remaining classes are electives aside from speech. I just finished reading my lab for tomorrow on geologic time, rock units, lithofacies, biofacies--well, you get my drift. Tonight is my favorite though--humanities.

The weather is spectacular again--we will be crying for this weather in August.

I have been trying to get a picture to go up on the macro interesting photos page that flickr has for each type of camera used--today I had success. I have been experimenting like crazy; I'm not sure if my hands get shaky or I try and get to close with the zoom but I have taken many that have had to be deleted. This has made me happy to finally get one to work.
One other thing--the views on the shoe is up to 179--I can't believe how silly that is.
Last, but not least, here is photo of our project--we are thinking positive, however, I cannot seem to get the manager of the farmer's mkt. to return my calls. Hmmm..wonder what that signals?


matt said...

those photos look good, mom. i'm glad you're having such a fun time with your project.

as far as the shoe thing goes, well, it all seems a little sketchy to me. :)

Gail Peck said...

Sketchy is a good word for it!

Kernel Panic Loop