Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Caveat

This is a fairly long video (with new-agey music) of the show the other night made by one of the artists. My feelings will not be hurt if you want to skip it.

Love Works Show

I'm just beating myself up these days. This morning, before leaving for the museum, I pulled a shelf from the upright freezer down onto my big toe. Add that to my scraped knuckles and skinned knee. You know how it is when something heavy strikes your toe, you think you will die it hurts so much. Tonight it is aching however I don't know if there is a bruise or not seeing as I have Black Cherry nail polish on. Underneath it may just be the same color.

With toe on fire I got into the car and headed to the museum. I was a few minutes early so I made a quick detour to see my piece in the window of Ginger. I thought you might like to see it as well:

I was thrilled. It is almost surreal when you see something you've made (well, sorta, Roger actually made it, but you get my drift) publicly displayed. The store was not open yet so I went on my way. Fortunately there were visitors to the museum making the time go by quickly. Leaving the museum at 1:00, I stopped to talk to Aimee and see the other ones hanging. I'm proud of what is there, in fact, they look so at home (remember the blue top and orange bag area) that you would think it is part of her decor. She's asked if I will leave them up until the end of November which I think will work out just fine. The window piece has sold several times making it one I like to have on hand--I may just have to have another one printed for the upcoming weeks. The convention is just two days away--anybodies guess how that will go. Naturally, you'll be one of the first to know.

Lastly I stopped at Huong's Tailors on the way home to pick up my dress for the wedding. Remember how I mentioned I might return the first dress? Well, I did return it after finding a lovely dress at Neiman Marcus's Last Call. The only alteration needed was taking about an inch out of the shoulder straps. More details to follow.

I heard from several friends who braved the long lines (2-3 hour wait to get into the area, another long wait for them to speak) and a huge crowd to hear/see Senator's Obama and Clinton yesterday. According to them it was entirely worth the wait. They will have a story to tell their grandchildren no doubt.

With that, I'm off to bed with a new novel. I feel the need for sleep soon.

1 comment:

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Such a very stunning and moving video.
I adore the music, a perfect choice. That was a really lovely tour of wonderful art, mon amie. This made my day filled with sun.

I will play it many times as it is so beautiful and the music calms my soul.
Wonderful work, cher Gail...!

Kernel Panic Loop