Thursday, October 9, 2008


If my sons who read this are not mad at me for my Obama comments, these pictures are for you. There is an area near our house, a little under two miles away that the city is dubbing SODO, short for South of Downtown, which for most of you I didn't even need to explain. At any rate, I visited the new Super Target yesterday morning during their soft opening. The area is going to be quite attractive. I'm most excited by the TJMaxx which was not having a soft opening. Although I could see clothes through the window, I don't know when the opening day is scheduled. I do know that Maureen and I will be extremely happy to have it in the neighborhood.


The other night Alice mentioned that she had "googled" me, saying I might want to do the same. Here's something I found this morning:

Upcoming Convention

Who knew? By the way, remember when I took the photos of Michelle so she could do conventions? In a small case of irony, she is scheduled to do the same show!

While talking to Judy she said David and Michelle were registered at Macy's with me claiming they were not. Guess who was wrong? Not the teacher that's for sure.
That said, I'm unclear whether they actually want any of this because she never mentioned it to me. She is working this week making our time for conversation brief, but I'll ask her at the shower Saturday night, if not before. I'll be driving Maureen, Ruth, and my mother in law to the shower. Mom Peck will be spending the night with us because the drive home would be way too much. Should prove interesting....

Michelle and David

Another terrible day on Wall Street. Speaking with David just makes me sad. Bill called from Wachovia after hours, you know the bank being fought over? His take on the whole crisis is different than ours because he works with it daily. According to him people come in to see about changing their loans claiming they cannot pay while still going out to eat three to four times a week. I don't know what to say.

Bruce is finally on his way home! He won't be here till after 10 but at least he will be able to sleep in his own bed.

I've just made Terrie's leek and potato soup; as expected it is sensational, and super easy as well. I got the chives at ST. Although it seems as if it will never cool off, I pretended it has, making a pumpkin bundt cake this afternoon which I can't wait to try. Making cakes from scratch is so easy I don't know why anyone would use a mix, but then again, I don't know why anyone would buy a house they knew full well they couldn't afford either, so what does that tell you?

Listening to: Spiritualized - Lay Back In The Sun
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Salut mon amie...
I was happy to hear that you made Julia's Potage Parmentier.
I hope that you and your husband enjoyed.

Kernel Panic Loop