Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Fat Lady has Sung

It was like trying to stop a tsunami--impossible. The enthusiasm generated by Barak Obama was remarkable and although I expressed reservation about all the candidates, it is time to accept and embrace the change that has arrived. Americans have reason to be proud today--the people have spoken.

I'm still waiting for word from Jonathan about the Grant Park experience. I will say that on facebook Allissa posted how she was crying during his speech, and from what I could see of the crowd, she was not alone. I am so happy that they witnessed history in the making.

Earlier in the evening I just couldn't tolerate the television coverage. Every network I tried filled their screens with more info than anyone can process. As well, the fancy technology used probably appeals to some, but for me it is just too much. I'd talked to Bruce, and chatted with Matt (who was staying up way past his bedtime in London) and decided that whatever was going to happen was going to happen. Lights out at 9:30, I was fast asleep only to be woken by David calling while McCain was delivering his concession speech. If you know David, you know that there is no such thing as a short conversation. After expressing his many opinions, we hung up. By then I was awake again and decided to tune into our President-Elect Obama's speech. He sure did deliver, didn't he? If he can run the country as well as he's run his campaign we are get to go!

Yesterday morning before Bruce went to Pennsylvania we were discussing our early days at the market. I went back to the beginning of this very blog looking for what I had to say.

"When I saw Dr. Everett yesterday, he said he didn't mind telling me now that when he first met me he thought I had a fatal disease; in other words, I have surprised him. Those are sobering words. I guess that is why I am embracing this little business venture, and not feeling embarrassed that there are others who are better than I am-- I'm good enough for some folks. I'm pretty happy with what I have done, and I'm hoping I'll only get better with time." April 2007

Thank God he was wrong. We have come a long way, haven't we?

Trading in the MINI with my college parking sticker was another closed chapter to that time in my life. I've thought about continuing to be a student, maybe I will some day, but for now I'm happy to be doing what I'm doing.

You know how much I love clever terms; here's a fun site: Just for Fun. I particularly like the term diginecker--find out what it means there.

This image is from the museum's Victory Garden planted in conjunction with the WWII exhibit.

While cleaning the pool on Monday Martha Reeve's song "Dancing in the Streets" came on my Shuffle--wasn't it thrilling to see that actually happening last night?
Listening to: Martha Reeves & The Vandellas - Dancin' In The Street
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Martha Reeves & The Vandellas - Dancin' In The Street
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Salut Gail love the images of the victory garden and Unfettered by Albin Polasek.
Glad that you are doing better, sorry that you had a bad stretch of pain.

Kernel Panic Loop