Here we go again reporting that rain spoiled the party. Sunday the clouds rarely parted to reveal any sunshine, they did however, dump plenty of rain.
Here's What I Saw and Felt: (not in order!)
1. Glad that the two older ladies next to me were super nice as were the folks across the street. Everyone helped me out by watching my booth while I took potty breaks.
2. Thrilled to have such a strong, super husband who makes all this possible.
3. Feel like the new vehicle is going to work out just fine although because of the rain we couldn't pack it the way we'll do in the future.
4. Grateful for good sales despite the economy and weather. The economy is definitely having an impact; I continue to sell, but these days people are being much more cautious about whipping out their credit card which is a good thing.
5. Saw red, purple, blue, orange, and green hair, sometimes all on the same person.
6. Saw too many tattoos and those dreadful things young people put in their ear lobes. They remind me of when I was a child seeing the African tribes people in National Geographic. Seriously ugly to me.
7. Two triplet strollers--YIKES!
8. A stroller full of ferrets and way too many carrying dogs.
9. A young woman, who from a distance, looked as if she were wearing a Halloween mask--sadly it was her face. The burden of something like that is hard to imagine. Makes you realize how terribly hard life is for some people.
10. Happy to meet new people and see others I've not seen in a long, long time.
11. Drenched. While velcroing the outside walls to the tent poles in a driving rain water cascaded down my body from a customer at the adjoining booth pushing the awning up. It was such a shock because I didn't see it coming! It took hours for me to dry out.
12. Tuckered out by 3:00. Although the show was to continue till 5pm the threat of more rain was more than I could take. I began packing things up, calling Bruce who arrived in no time to save the day.
13. Happy to be in my own kitchen and cook dinner last night.
14. Finally, like this goat from the zoo, this was me by 8:30 last night!
Off to the City Council meeting this afternoon to pick up my check from the calendar contest. It's a busy life I lead. Maureen's friend Lynn asked her if I missed my old job yesterday with Maureen replying she didn't think so. One thing about it--- never a threat of rain!
Mind you that today has been beautiful so far.
P.S. Speaking of my former job, yesterday a former patient arrived as we were packing up; she immediately began describing her breast problems to me. Stop already, I no longer get paid to listen to that kind of stuff!
Listening to: Bloc Party - This Modern Love
via FoxyTunes
Listening to: Bird, Andrew - Opposite Day
via FoxyTunes
Listening to: Robbers On High Street - Descender
via FoxyTunes
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