Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday in the House


I had to show you a little closer picture of the darling chick. This is my first time seeing little yellow ones; while at the market on Sunday someone told me about them, but I couldn't leave except for bathroom breaks. Don't confuse my not leaving with sales because there were few however I did have lots of chatters. I told Maureen that if the weather hadn't been perfect then you would have heard me whining.

We had a busy weekend starting with dinner at Houstons on Friday night with Briggs and Victoria. As is always the case when we get together, it is a blast. After dinner we sat on the dock lakeside and had it all to ourselves. I'm not sure if that was a sign of the faltering economy, or that after NYE people were staying home on Friday night. On the way home, at 10:30, we stopped by Nancy's studio and picked up the framed pieces; she didn't have them ready on our way to the restaurant. Bruce delivered them to the gallery on Saturday morning while I was at Whole Foods. The show is now hung and the waiting til Friday begins. I'm just glad we are almost there because this has been weighing on me all through the holidays. We shall see what the night brings.

Although I like (sorta) selling my things what I really like is to take pictures. With that in mind I jumped out of bed yesterday morning early (easy to do when you go to sleep at 9), and emptied the dishwasher, put away the rest of the Christmas things, changed the sheets and hung them on the clothesline after washing, and off I went. It doesn't sound quite as fun saying I jumped into the Element but it's getting me albeit with a little less style. The weather was beautiful and the chicks did not disappoint. It is like spring around here already with the flowering trees starting to bloom. I'm not sure what this tells us about the summer, in fact, if this warm weather is a harbinger of things to come, I'm a little nervous.

The small deck outside our side door was beginning to rot after about ten years. We'd had some paver walkways done a few years ago and had leftovers. Bruce has been working on repairing the area and now we have a wonderful paver wallkway into our side entrance which for those of you who've never been here is for most people the primary entrance. We live on a corner lot with our driveway on the side of the house making it somewhat confusing. You remember how I've told you that we always get two of everything? What most amuses me are the trick or treaters coming to both the side and front door!

Bruce completed many of his jobs, and now has just three underway. He'd not traveled in weeks and weeks, but this morning that changed. He's on his way to cold country--Massachusettes, and Connecticut. He'll be back on Thursday night.

Time for Miss Gail to get ready for museum duty....
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1 comment:

Amaya said...

I'm glad you were able to spend so much time with Bruce lately. Back to the grind, I guess.

Kernel Panic Loop