Sunday, May 24, 2009

Perfect Party

Perfect Party Ingredients:
*Beautiful location
*Outstanding weather
*Diverse Guest List
*Open Bar
*Food, food, and more food
*Generous Hosts
*Door Prizes including two first class tickets on Delta to anywhere in the US
*Two lifeguards with water games
*Gulf of Mexico
*Limousine and trolley service
*Cecil's BBQ smoker
*Beautiful Gulf coast sunset

Steve, Bruce's best buddy at work, did an amazing job with his party this year, planning every last detail including twenty five hotel rooms for those of us who traveled. Surprisingly there was not even a hint of bad weather; I drove (letting Bruce have a little break) through at least fifty miles of torrential rain making us a little nervous for Steve, what with 150 people invited. Everything went off without a hitch!

Today's photo is of Todd, the design manager, holding Bruce's administrative assistant's son--I just love this image.

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