Friday, May 15, 2009

The Stage is Set

Yesterday I spent 3 hours with Angela while waiting for her procedure to begin. As is often the case it was delayed but my meter was out so I finally left her to take a nap. I got a start on things for this evening, had an early dinner, and went to bed with my book. I'm reading a fantastic one right now called The Help suggested by my friend Linda. Oh my it is good. Here's a review from The Times if you're interested. Ok, so it doesn't seem to be working but I guarantee you that you will be enthralled with both the story and the characters!

I've been cooking this morning as well as picking up Angela at the hospital, picking up prints from Roger's house, picking up dry cleaning for us and a prescription for Angela, and the weekly laundering. I think I'm mostly set for our guest to arrive at 7.

I made this impossible pie last evening--caramel and coconut custard.

Here's the chicken setting up for ten minutes before I put it in the cast iron skillet.

Here's how it looks after frying--yum, yum.
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And here's what the table looks like:

And now it is time to head over to Angela's house to make sure she is ok--not just her but her 12 year old son Michael who came home sick. I'll take my new prints over there to get them ready along with Baxter and we'll hang around in case they need anything.


Amaya said...

What a cheerful table!

Gail Peck said...

Thank you--I was going for a Southern feel.

Kernel Panic Loop