Monday, August 3, 2009

Hot Time, Summer in the City

Oh my, has it been hot, particularly this weekend. Just ask Pat and Ruth how hot it was at the market; they'll be happy to share how sweltering it was because they were kind enough to visit me there. It is always such a nice surprise to see my loved ones, not to mention that they buy things from me for gifts, which is weird to sell to your family but they insist. Good news #1: there was no rain. Good news #2: I almost made my goal, not quite, but close. Bruce told me on Saturday afternoon that I was nearly up to 700 sales this year, all I needed were 11 more. As you well know, it has been mighty slow, however, I arrived yesterday morning hoping it might be a possibility. I was two shy; not to worry though, I'm bound to hit that next weekend. My dear market neighbor Kathy insisted that selling two canvases should count for more than just two sales--my response was that in the monetarily it sure does, but not actual numbers. She is always trying to encourage me. As well, when I need a bathroom break she is happy to keep an eye on things. One of the best parts of the market are the great people we've met, both vendors and customers.

Early yesterday a young woman stopped by telling me she had seen two canvases in her friend's apartment and was crazy about them. That alone made me happy, but I think she'll buy some things in the next few weeks. Later on the girl who owned the canvases came by telling me she has received so many compliments and she loves them. Furthermore, her mom bought two which hang in her kitchen area and she too is happy with her purchase. When I'm told that something I made has made someone very happy it is very fulfilling. But come to think of it, I had a hand in making Matt, Bill, David and Jonathan, and they've made some folks happy.... does that count? It's a wonderful life, proving to me that hard work is well worth the effort.

While on my bike last week I took the shot above, giving it the antique treatment. I'll be curious to see if Matthew recognizes the place. Speaking of whom, he has most of the month of August off, which he sorely needed. Living in Europe definitely has it's perks--namely, they take vacations seriously. Now if only Bruce could take three weeks off at one time(officially he gets five weeks).....

Friday night's dinner was a success, so much so, that we were up entirely too late. I paid for it dearly at Saturday's market.

Did I mention that Baxter insisted he was ready for prime time, wanting me to send his picture into the New York Times when they asked for reader's dog photos? Apparently, local fame was not enough for him, although when I told him he'd made the cut, he seemed unfazed.
Mr. Baxter
Sorry you've already seen that shot; I used it because it is Bruce's favorite.

Speaking of the Times, did anyone else see this article:Annie Leibowitz? Incredible that someone who makes so much money could at the same time be so in debt.

Who can believe it is already August? Lisa was kind enough to inform me that my month in the city calendar has finally arrived. Because I don't have a copy myself I'd kinda forgotten about it. Next month I'm up is October. Only three more weeks until our anniversary. It almost seems like just yesterday that we had our little stay at the Ritz. Wonder what we should do this year?
Listening to: The Bees - Hot One
via FoxyTunes


matt said...

no i don't think i do recognise that, but that's fun about Baxter!

Anonymous said...

Talk about hot-I told Amanda if someone saw me after I ran today they would call 911! L

Gail Peck said...

Matt, it is the Groover's house.

No More Whining!