Friday, July 31, 2009

Just a Quickie

Michael and Jane should be ringing the door bell any minute. Just wanted to say hi and let my dear readers know I'm ok. I'm posting this cactus because I've always really liked the light on this shot and I've never shown it to anyone.

Michael, as far as I know, is still unemployed. This week Jane said let's get together, which I instantly agreed to, but when we talked I asked her what her pocketbook dictated. She revealed that eating at home was best. So, that's what we're going to do. I'm doing the comfort food thing again, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn, and salad. The one slightly upscale, if you can call it that, part of the meal is the chipotle chili powder I've mixed with the ketchup for slathering on the meat loaf if one wishes to. In a moment of weakness or stupidity, I bought some ice cream sandwiches a week or so ago, and that's what's on tap for dessert if anyone wants one. A real recession dinner. I say stupidity because I almost never eat sweets so someone has to eat them!


Anonymous said...

Alwaya ready to help. Someone has to do it. I will eat them.

Anonymous said...

Always may work better.

Kernel Panic Loop