Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Contest Mania

You know how some people compulsively enter sweepstakes? Well, that's how I am about submitting photographs. I see a possibility, I go for it.

Today while shopping at Target for some troop supplies, I saw Jones Soda and thought--ah ha, there's something I can try. I submitted a few (including the above), converting them to black and white, because that is what they use most often, and we shall see. Wouldn't it be nice if I forgot all about it and a few months down the road you'll read that they chose one? Maybe.....

This time Darden is collecting goodies to ship overseas. I bought several bottles of eye drops, gum, ground coffee (Dunkin Doughnuts), large bag of individual chips, same goes for oreos, and I can't remember what else. Oh yeah, right next to the drops were ear plugs, although not on the approved list, I thought they might come in handy for someone.

The weather is still iffy which kept me in Orlando. As such, I forced myself to clean out some kitchen drawers which once I get started on, I don't mind so much. Let me tell you, I probably have more recipes than I have meals left to prepare! And I still get Bon Appetit magazine! Maybe I should adopt a new policy; if I don't make it in the first year I probably never will and I should trash it. It's a thought anyway.

I also found a lengthy letter from Matt dated September 13, 1993. He was so chatty--I loved re-reading all about his second year at FSU. The opening line goes like this: "my first letter, maybe you should frame it!" I didn't frame it Matt, but I kept it. I REALLY miss snail mail.

I got Milk from the library today which I intend to watch after fixing a perfect hamburger. They are all the rage you know.


feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

So much good luck to you in your have amazing images.

Indeed great burgers are all the rage. A few "celebrity chefs" are opening burger joints to take advantage of the recession.
I will join eating a buger tonight. I will be making a grass-fed steak burger from beef I bought at a local farm...yum.
Bon appetit…!

Anonymous said...

I loved MILK! Hope you do too.

Kernel Panic Loop