Monday, July 27, 2009

Lots Happening

Not necessarily what I want, but time marches on as they say.

Since last we met:

1. My new operating system from Apple arrived with the end result I now have a serious back up plan for my photos. As well, I got a new version of iPhoto, iWorks, and iPages. Today I picked up a book by David Pogue, the technology writer for the Times called The Missing Manual, which explains iPhoto 09 in detail. I know there are shortcuts and features that I've never used so hopefully I'll learn a few tricks. As you know, this old dog can learn them.

2. We saw The Hangover, if you can imagine. The market was so slow on Saturday. I sat there for hours with no sales, sweating I might add (but not too bad), then twenty minutes before closing someone arrived and bought a print. Yeah--no shut out! Five minutes before packing it in for the day, another woman arrived and within about a minute she'd purchased a 16x20 print. It is funny like that, sometimes the people who stay the longest never buy and then there are others who once they see something they like they are ready to exchange money for prints. Anyway, I was feeling a bit discouraged and thought a stupid movie would be just the thing. Once it was underway Bruce leaned over and whispered, "I'm surprised you'd come see a movie like this." Me too. It was pretty funny in spurts and it did the trick, washing away my discouragement.

3. Before going to work on Saturday Bruce completed his little chore list I'd given him. I can't say enough about how wonderful it is to be married to such a handy man! He put in a new doorbell, changed the lighting strip under my kitchen cabinet, hung a rain gauge on the fence, sorted his jeans and shirts, taking the extras to the thrift store--I think that is it. The only shame is that his job is so demanding that he rarely has time to create new things which makes me sad because he is so talented.

4. Got rained out, big time, at Eola. I started out nicely, selling a canvas that I thought might never hang in someone's home, when sprinkles became giant raindrops, a precursor to torrential rain, booming thunder, and crashing lightening. The prints all stayed dry but the canvases got a bath. Fortunately they have a waterproof coating, which after a drying out in the living room, are just fine. It is not a fun experience that's for sure. Oh yes, I did have a first on Sunday--a woman mouthed the words, "I'll take these" all the while chatting on the phone.

5. Bruce did my monthly sales tally and although it was better than last July by a few hundred, it was sad. Brighter days are ahead I'm sure!

6. Did some Christmas shopping in July--a first. I think I'll do my best to spread it out over the next months, hopefully giving me plenty of time to think up nice things for my loved ones.

7. My body has not been as happy lately as well. The market yesterday exhausted me so much that I ended up climbing into bed around 7:30 with a book. When Bruce came to check on me, seeing my face, he said, "Oh no!" One look at me was enough for him to know things were not right. My feet are still going numb, my voice lowers about five registers and I just look haggard. As such, today has been pretty quiet around here. I left the house only to go to the library to get reading material, with a quick stop at Publix for orange juice. While there I found this lovely shade of gerbera daisy. I told you I was a daisy girl didn't I?


Anonymous said...

Sorry your feeling bad-hope you get better soon! L

Amaya said...

I love hearing about your relationship with Bruce - it is evident that the two of you are still very much in love.
Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I hope things are back to normal.

No More Whining!