Wednesday, October 21, 2009


That's right my gentle readers, this is blog post #601, hard to imagine, and probably a little bit crazy to boot. Writing this blog is as much about me, as it is about you. I finally have a convenient way to remember things. You've no idea how bad my memory is; now I can look up what I've forgotten. While talking to Matt today I mentioned that with the incessant heat that has everyone complaining I decided to see what the past October posts have been about. You guessed it, heat complaints! Our cold snap departed as quickly as it arrived with temperatures predicted in the 90's for the weekend. Just in time for the show....

As well, every October I write about how ridiculous the whole Pink October has become. It's just wrong that they even package mushrooms in a pink container. That sounds mean, however, there's a reason I get so crazy about this. Although breast cancer is a terrible thing, there are worse problems to have, namely, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and the list goes on. This article sums up something I've tried to tell folks about: Overdiagnosis. A while back a neighbor asked if I'd talk to her daughter who was facing some decisions after they discovered a PRE-cancerous area in her breast. Now how they determine something is such is a little suspect, and the idea that she'd been advised to take some pretty radical steps to deal with it just angered me. So what does this say about my years working in mammography? I can't answer that question. Let's all get behind the real killer--heart disease. OK, enough preaching!

Yesterday on my way home I stopped by the gallery to drop off my business card and see my canvas in the window. Here's what I saw:

While there a woman came in to browse. I was sure I knew her, although after trying to place her by children, job, church, or neighborhood, I just couldn't dredge it up. It was later (isn't it always?) while driving home that I remembered how I knew her...the gym. Of course those days seem so far away now it's no wonder I couldn't place her immediately. It was in the parking lot of the gym that I first noticed the back pain which felled me for way too long. I've never been back.

I could feel that I never exercise today while digging out dirt and cutting tree roots around the filter pipes after discovering this morning what my pool problem was--a leak in one of the pipes. That explains not only no filtration, but the dramatic drop in water level. I called the pool repair folks who came out pretty quickly only to determine that it was a bigger job than anticipated. He's scheduled to come in the morning but charges $75 for 3/4 hour so I decided to do a little of the clean out. Basically I'm a wuss these days....

Baxter posing in the kitchen for the umpteenth time:

Aren't you glad I don't have grandchildren?

Speaking of children, I had a lovely chat with both Matt and David today. Matt is busy as always and Dave is the same. Isn't that great news to know that one's children have fantastic jobs and are loving life? That's pretty much all one can hope for aside from good health. Our friends Jim and Kathy's son, whom I've written about, is still terribly ill with very minor progress forward. On Sunday they didn't come to the market, which is unheard of--the reason, their son was having a colostomy put in. Ouch for both his body, and his psyche. He's 30 if you'll remember. The surgeon insists that it is temporary (6 mos.), but it has to be a huge blow. Now he's got both a tracheotomy, and a colostomy--my heart breaks for the whole family.

I hope I haven't gone on too long with this post....

Lastly I wanted to tell you that Mr. Bruce is a rock star as far as the management team is concerned. I could have told them that..
Listening to: LCD Soundsystem - Watch the Tapes
via FoxyTunes


feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Felicitations on post #601...!
I enjoy your blog so much.
Merci for the lovely picture of sweet little Baxter.
Hugs...! ! !

Gail Peck said...

Thank you Terrie. I probably reveal too much but that's me--a blabbermouth! BTW--your profile pic is gorgeous!

Kernel Panic Loop