Saturday, August 14, 2010

Computer Crazy

At the moment I'm about to go crazy as my computer is giving me fits. A trip to the Apple store this morning convinced me to return for a check up. Bruce suggested I go buy a new one a few days ago, and that was my intention, however, before I give up on it, I'll give them a chance to tell me what's gone wrong.

Making the collage for the Polasek gave me the idea for a new avenue to travel. As such, I've made a few urban ones, which I think turned out kinda neat. Several days ago, out of the clear blue, my computer no longer recognized my external hard drive which contains my iPhoto library. Three years worth of practice! Trying not to panic, I reset the computer several times and all appeared to be forgiven.

Not so fast Miss Gail. While trying to make a collage of green leaves this morning, once again, it all disappeared without warning. Instead of blocks of colors you should be seeing fronds, leaves, and so forth, but alas you are not! You are seeing blocks of color. Amazing right? The pictures went AWOL.

The thing is, I don't know how to move my Picasa photos over to the new computer. This has me worried. This has me nervous. This has me panicky. What's a girl to do?

What this girl is going to do is, unplug my iMac, along with two external hard drives with their cables, and head back over to Apple at 3:15. Hopefully some magic will ensue.


matt said...

hey Mom
I hope you posted this before you sent me that email! I've not got much internet access at the moment because of the transition, so I'm imagining I'm reading things out of order. :)

Gail Peck said...

I indeed posted this before. Everything is A-ok now!

Kernel Panic Loop