Thursday, August 12, 2010


Once upon a time there was a family, Max, Regina, Arthur and Abby, living happily everafter on Appleton Ave. Admittedly, two members of the family were of the canine variety, Welsh Corgi to be exact, however, they were important members nonetheless. 

Max was the first to leave the happy home, succumbing to cancer four years ago, leaving the three remaining to carry on without him. A big hole was created where Max had once been. Slowly, but surely, Regina, Arthur and Abby did carry on. Then, old age caught up with Arthur, and he too left home.

And then there were two. Dutifully, and not without great affection and love, Regina cared for Abby, walking her two times daily, preparing her favorite dishes, and making her comfortable in every way. For a time Abby was lost without Arthur, not unlike Regina felt when Max was gone. Soldier on they did, day after day, the routines rarely varying.

Age began to take it's toll on Abby this year. Where once she would trot up the street past our home, she now could only slowly waddle just a few doors down from her home. Most days, she spent hiding under the bed, not feeling like doing much of anything. Regina prepared herself for the inevitable.

 On July 28, this email came through:

" My son-in-law accompanied me to the vet this morning to have Abby euthanized.  Her body started to shut down the night before last.  Right now I am inconsolable and, therefore, will not be answering my phone today.  I've been by her side for one day and two nights.  Therefore, I'm taking an ambien and going to bed.

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now forever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind

From William Wordsorth's Ode on Intimations of Immortality


And now there is one.

 I've spent nearly an hour searching my photo library for a picture I took of Regina and Abby on their daily walk to no avail. Seems like a silly waste of time searching like that, however, she is my friend and she's worth it. One of these days I'll once again come across it.

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