Monday, October 4, 2010

Life After All

Of all things, there's still a little life in my business after all. Sunday's weather was picture perfect with little, or no humidity, and mild temperatures in the mid 80's. Did I mention there wasn't a cloud in the sky?

The crowds materialized and sales were made. In fact, more sales yesterday than all of September put together! A great big surprise was the arrival of a man whom I spoke with months ago. At the time he expressed interest in a large canvas, requesting pricing via email. Naturally I got right on it, only to never hear from him again. Well, never say never my friends. Mr. Roger and Trish were still walking around after checking on me, so, I found him and Mr. Pete and Mr. Roger worked out the sizing details. Hurray! I will tell you that when I talked with Roger and Trish my sales total was exactly one. By the time the market closed, about four hours later, my total was 21.

Amy and Jonathan displayed the vegetables beautifully didn't they?
Several hours later there was nothing left.

Dana sent me an email later apologizing for not getting to chit chat because she was so busy. Apparently once the weather turns nice, everyone wants to be a vendor. WELL, where were they when the rest of us were sweating it out? Furthermore even when she tells them to apply via the website they persist in asking questions. It looks mighty easy when there are crowds and good weather. You and I know better.

As I'm typing this I'm listening to country music courtesy of Mr. Darren who is out back diligently digging even more trenches to hold all the new pool plumbing. How, you ask can I hear the music? Why, the windows are open! It's another gorgeous day in Central Florida.
Once again, he drained the water, scraping the mud out of the bottom which must have been a pretty miserable job. I was out. In this photo he's back in the shadows by the shed.

At the same time the electricians are installing power along the fence. Baxter hanging out, albeit on his leash, in the moonscape:
Once they get done we'll at least line the fence with our beautiful jatropha plants, more than likely in their pots for a little while longer.

Why, pray tell, was Baxter on his leash? Because I'd just returned from afternoon tea with, you guessed it, my British neighbor! Upon learning yesterday afternoon that I'd never had a crumpet, she felt obligated to introduce me to this British delicacy.
Using her tray from Harrods and her grandparents china, we enjoyed our treats in her new sunroom--the old with the new, if you will.
Here she's showing off her new wall art purchased from a little known company--Out & About Photography. Not bad, huh? Look at those long legs will you? In case I've neglected to mention it earlier, she's 6'1". I look like a midget while standing next to her.

I'm getting a tad nervous about this weekend's show. Don't ask me why. I just am.

Lastly, what a great college football weekend! Seminoles win big + Gators lose big=Perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?

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