Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunrise to Sunset

I pondered about calling today's post, "Loud & Dirty", however, upon further reflection I changed my mind. I've been having trouble with spam comments on a post I did quite a while ago titled, "Back in the Saddle." "Changed Title Due to Spam" is the new title for that post, but it hasn't stopped the nasty comments.

The guys arrived at sunrise and only left around 20 minutes ago. Here's how things progressed:
Clouds of dust wafted over our home all day according to Angela when she came to see it looking like this around 6:00...
After having some snacks, the men worked until dark, something I can't fathom. So much work for so little money, not to mention that you can hardly communicate with the people you are working for.

After listening to the stone saw, stump grinder, and table saw for the best part of the day, my nerves are a little frazzled. While telling this to Nancy on the telephone I realized what a whiner I sounded like. Imagine being on the other end of that equipment!

Most of the day I had to stay home to be available to the workers, however, a few days ago I finally scheduled a hair cut which I couldn't miss. After getting a bit of a trim I stopped by Clemons to pick up a few things. How about this for an amazing pumpkin?
Apparently the pumpkin weighs in at 1,200 pounds! The watermelon is no lightweight at 200lbs.

Adding to my worries today is that our dear Bruce is suffering terribly with a kidney stone while on his trip. The pain, when it hits, is crippling. Those of you who know anything about kidney stones know that the pain is most likened to the pain of childbirth. He called this morning from the roof of the Capital Grille, unable to move. Adding to the misery was a light rain. Having suffered like this in the past, we are confident that it will pass; we just don't know when. I just got off the phone with him and for the moment he's fine. He'll be flying home in the morning which will make me feel much better having him close. 

By this time next week we may have water!

1 comment:

Lisa Spak said...

Poor Bruce-when Danny had that he screamed like a wild animal & he's the toughest guy I have ever met.

Kernel Panic Loop