Monday, January 10, 2011

Making Art

You never know where inspiration for art will come from. After naming all new 75 pieces for my bins this morning, I read the instructions for a Christmas gift from Matt. There is a pack of both watercolor paper and fabric that you expose with the sun, however today the sun refused to make an appearance. Nix that idea.

Here's what I did come up with after coating foam core with corn syrup and dropping food coloring:
It was really amazing how much they looked like flowers. I then tilted it upright and here's what happened soon thereafter:
By now I put it in the sink to contain the mess! Obviously I had to take photographs to show you how cool it was. Here's one taken about thirty minutes later:
Now my abstract flowers have stems!

Tonight is the last college football game of the season--the big show down between Oregon and Auburn.  At this point it's anybodies game, however, later tonight there will be a bunch of disappointed people. I'm always saying that you must be prepared to have your heart broken (at least for a night), if you're a sports fan. I know of what I speak. Bruce has already left for the week, so it will be me and Baxter on the couch rooting for my Alabama neighbor Corrine's team.

Lastly, here's a funny outtake from my latest self portrait. This scarf Nancy gave me for my birthday rocks!
I swear it looks like I'm about to get sick!

P.S. I forgot that I put this cool link up earlier today: Books, Books, and More Books

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail,
I really like the bottom two items. Anxious to see in person. Love you in your new scarf. Go War Eagle! love Bruce

Kernel Panic Loop