Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well folks, we did it. More accurately, Bruce did most of it. This morning, shortly after getting up, Bruce asked if I wanted to make the change. Well....why not?
Bruce concealing all the wires while Gail takes photographs. See reflection in mirror. It took most of the day, but here's how things finished up:
More than a year ago I purchased the comforter/quilt before Matt came home for Christmas. My intention was to use it on the fold up bed we purchased, however that never happened. For the moment, this is good.

When we began moving the furniture this morning I called Jonathan, the farmer from the market who generally takes all of our furniture when we make changes. They have seven, yes, seven children! I didn't hear back from him until later in the afternoon, but when I mentioned we had a twin bed and mattress to give away, I think I heard tears in his voice. He said, "You have no idea what a blessing this is for our family." Gosh.....

I've photographed most rooms of our home except for the room that was formerly the twins' room. I loved that room. Cool and calm. My chance is over. It's new. Maybe not so calm. About the middle of the week I lugged my six foot table that I use for markets (when I don't use my tent) into the room. I placed it in front of the closet to see what I felt like being in the back bedroom. I liked it. A lot.

The light is amazing in this room. Although Bruce is not all the way pleased with my using this table, and I suspect he'll do something about it when I'm not around, for now, after all the work, here's what it looks like:

As I type this I'm seeing the beautiful crescent moon out the window which makes me very happy. My very first blog in my new space! There's still a bit of tweaking to do, but not much. I've got so much room! The best part is that the table can be taken down and at least a double air mattress can be used in the middle of the room. Turns out we've solved several problems at once. Not really problems, but it seems as if we'll be using our space more efficiently. In my former office, when we have four visitors we'll take the treadmill down and set up the folding bed, and there you have it! A big switcharoo that benefits everyone. Doesn't get any better!


matt said...

Looks good Mom

Lisa Spak said...

LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

I like your new digs. Good move!

Karen H.

Kernel Panic Loop