Thursday, February 24, 2011

Minor Injury

While placing a glass pitcher in the door of Angela's refrigerator after her birthday party last night, I cut two fingers on my left hand, thus my natural tendency to wordiness will be diminished today. It happened so fast I can hardly explain it! The good news is that Bruce was home to bandage it after the bleeding stopped. My fingers are taped together because one of the cuts is in between them; he's thinking I was lucky not to have cut a ligament.

So here's the birthday girl with her sparkly cake:
Lois's garden is a wonder right now with the tulips looking fab. I added her garden to the top of my blog because it makes me happy. Yesterday morning it was super foggy until after 9 which makes for perfect lighting for picture taking. I hopped in the car and was greeted not just with beautiful color, but water as well. Apparently I arrived soon after the sprinklers ran. The purple tulips are mostly done blooming, however, this color is at it's peak right now.
I love those orange spikey things, but you already figured that was so, didn't you?

Flowers are surprisingly difficult to photograph well, despite the abundance of flower photographs out there; some are just plain more photographic than others.You probably can't imagine how many I take before I find one I'm really pleased with. Hollyhocks are all in bloom at the Polasek. Here's my attempt at showing you these wonderful flowers:
Isn't the center remarkable? It looks like a whirligig to my eyes. The tabebuia trees are starting their annual show around the city which is always glorious. Here's a beautiful pink one along with one of my favorite sculptures, The Sower, by Albin Polasek:
Out my window I see one in full bloom a street over which I believe I'll go see in person--Baxter could use a walk!

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