Saturday, February 19, 2011

Time for Reflection

I mentioned the other day that I was posting for the 801st time, but what I didn't realize was that I was also having my fourth anniversary as a blogger. In the early going it was mostly about my newly discovered love of photography, as well as my life as an adult student. Frankly, when I read about taking tests and writing papers it seems like another person did all that.

One of the first posts was about Matt's belongings being shipped to London for his new life there. Writing that, I'm sure I never imagined that in the near future he would be working for a British firm and owning property in the center of London. I did, on the other hand, recognize it for the opportunity it was, and still is, for that matter. But, we're taking about the past right now.

In 2008 I was no longer a student, but a fledgling photographer after starting my business in March of 2007. I was, however, still sick, which according to my blog, continued until last year. February of 2010, I likened myself to an inner tube that is useless and deflated, but upon refilling with air (in my case, copious amounts of sleep), once again is ready to roll.  Fortunately, the episodes of pain and weakness seems to have disappeared for the foreseeable future.

In four years time, so much has happened; jobs have come and gone for two of my sons, Jonathan and Alissa have lived in two places, my mother-in-law passed away, various family members have faced serious health challenges, lots of home remodeling, new friends and new activities. What hasn't changed throughout that time is the constant refrain of Bruce working like a man possessed. Whether it's his job, or doing things for me, he is definitely a work horse. We are planning for the day when that is no longer the case...

Every now and again I've looked back at the post when we did our very first market day, hoping and praying that someone would be interested in what I had to sell. I can still remember my very first customer, a Canadian woman, visiting her son who lived in the Reeve's House. She actually bought on two different Sundays, and on one of those occasions, my sister Lisa carried her purchases to her son's condo for her. The middle of March is when we began--if you're interested I believe the post is March 19, 2007.

Now to the present. I realized that I've not been keeping you up to speed on our cultural life.
  • Although I was jazzed for the first part of American Wife, I've yet to finish it. Starting of with a bang, it has fizzled.
  • Winters Bone is one intelligent movie. Maureen told me that the cast was something else and she was right--real people. Well, probably they weren't, but I swear you've seen them at WalMart before. A bonus--terrific blue grass music included.
  • Jarhead is another film we've recently watched. Very thought provoking. 
  • Last evening we attended the opening here: Mennello Museum, a little gem of a museum.

Stepping up to the drink counter, we ordered, and it was then that I said, "Jay?" Oddly enough it was our first market manager, the one whom some of you may remember, had to be convinced by Bruce to take me as a vendor. Later on,  she bought my very first canvas! Small world, Orlando is.
Our current market manager, Dana called on Wednesday afternoon asking if I could do a photo shoot that evening at Church Street. When she's not managing Church Street, or the market, she is involved with the Daytona Speedway. Heading down there at 5:30, I discovered that the cars and drivers were not there for their photo op. Apparently rain earlier in the day forced a late practice, thus no appearance that night. There was this, which was kinda neat though:
Originally I'd planned to go to an opening at the Morse Museum that night to see the new Tiffany wing using an invite from Cindy at the Polasek. Her beautiful daughter, Jenna, was hit by a car while crossing Central in front of Hue after work about two weeks ago. Apparently she was hit so hard, her tied shoes flew off her feet! She, is now home, mending.

Thursday I met with six other women for a bridge lesson of sorts. Actually we dealt cards and commiserated on how best to play them. Lots of talking at once! Fun though.

Friday I spent most of the afternoon sewing. For one reason or another, I'd not finished the blouse as quickly as I thought I might. The sleeves went in well, and then it was time to try buttonholes, a skill I'd not used in eons. Here's how it went:

Not the easiest fabric to see on that's for sure! Using Bruce's grandmother's button hole scissors in this one:

Very handy indeed. Finally, it's ready to wear.

To tell you the truth, I'm very pleased with both the fit and the look.

This post hasn't been all that fun has it? Well, let's rectify that right now shall we? As I was leaving Nordstrom on Thursday I was very amused by this display:

According to the sales clerk, they don't sell all that well in the store, but online is a different story altogether. #1.

Happy weekend to you my dear readers.

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