Friday, March 25, 2011

A Change in Plans

I just finished giving the yard a hair cut and now I have a little time to talk about mine. I know there's some witty saying about women changing their minds, however, it escapes me just now. That, is what I did yesterday. I went into the salon with no bangs and blonder in mind, coming out entirely different. So different, you may only recognize me by my now scabless cold sore!

Leaving bridge early, I drove to the Winter Park Village to not only have my hair done, but also meet a customer to deliver the canvas she ordered at the Baldwin Park show. What a super nice lady she is. Calling me before I left the house earlier, it was amazing that she was going to be at the center too! Onward from there..
I've never even noticed this salon before, but it was easy to find. The outside gave me no clue as to how trendy it would be inside. And here's Monica, who turned out to be the most delightful young lady which was a very good thing because we spent the next four hours together.
Doesn't she look sweet? I told you she was young and as it turns out she's almost exactly the same age as Matt. Well, we talked and talked about what to do. After taking her photo, which I told her was for my blog, she asked about taking a before picture of me. This is a pretty horrible picture of me, but here it is anyway. Obviously I'd not been wearing the bangs down! As well, it was just taken down from a ponytail, however, looking at it, I just feel sad about how I look these days.
Although the disgusting scabs are gone, the evidence lingers. After much discussion she put three different shades of color on my hair to blend into my natural color, adding a glaze for shine after taking all the foils out. Another lengthy discussion ensued regarding the bangs with her describing bangs as the new "Botox." I didn't get it. She explained they were a good cover for faults. Duh! What it boiled down to for me was I decided without bangs my eyes were just too much the focus of my face. Thus, they were reinstated. Both thinning and layering like crazy followed. A sassy hairdo with movement was the goal. Drumroll please......

Naturally it will never look this good again; while Bruce was home I had him take this to document what it can look like in the hands of a professional! I'd just gotten out of the shower after mowing which was a dirty job. I hope it still looks nice in the morning!

Bruce has just packed the car and is getting gas now for the show tomorrow. He's so busy I hate for him to have to drive down there and back but he's not complaining. His jobs are plentiful with problems everywhere he turns. That, of course, is the nature of building, however, this is a new one:
Bruce's Woes Mostly he kept thinking that the fours hours they had to evacuate the area were four hours the men weren't working!

Time to do a little work on my face. As a treat I'm taking Bruce to Graffiti Junktion to get himself a nice hotdog. While in the neighborhood we'll pick up the last of the order from Roger. Last year the show was good despite the second day mostly cancelled due to a terrific rain storm. No such weather issues are predicted for the weekend. Wish me luck!


Lisa Spak said...

Looks good!

Nancy said...

Very cute!

matt said...

very nice! i can't remember your hair ever being that dark!

Gail Peck said...

Wow, reading this again I see it was in serious need of a re-read. Yikes--the errors!

Anonymous said...

Like the new look.

Karen H.

E said...

Love the new hairdo :)

Kernel Panic Loop