Monday, March 7, 2011

Jam Packed Weekend

My dearest readers, forgive me for my absence, but life got in the way.

Life, in the form of entertainment galore--some planned, some not. I was hoping when Bruce returned on Thursday evening from his business trip that we could go to the Central Florida Fair. He begged off. Please, Gail, I'm so tired; I promise I'll go on Friday night. As you well know, he is a man who keeps his promises. And so we went--he with trepidation, me with excitement. As they say, a picture tells a thousand words, so let's get to it!

I love the one of Bruce on the Ferris Wheel enjoying the sites. We only went on one other ride as neither of us are keen on rides, we just enjoyed the sights and sounds. Clean, my friends, very clean. When I was telling a friend about it on Sunday she said a woman she knew complained about the food choices. Where, pray tell, did that woman think she was? It's a fair, for goodness sake, that's part of the appeal! While riding the Himalayan, Bruce had the widest smile I've seen on his face for a good long while, despite the fact that he was getting squished!

If you can imagine, we were given four excellent tickets to see "Wicked" on Saturday afternoon. Words fail me, and as there were no photographs allowed, I can't show you anything, but believe me, it was sensational! The lighting, costumes, singing, dancing, the set, the music--all perfect. The story was pretty darn good as well. Here's Mr. Bruce with his lovely sister-in-laws:
Amy Grant used to sing a song called "My Father's Eyes" that we loved. Although the meaning of the song was entirely different, I can't help but think of it when I see a picture of myself. You see, my father had extremely droopy lids and puffs under his eyes. The older I get, the more I'm sharing that characteristic which pleases me not one little bit.
It's a wonder I can see out of them! And then there is that hair of mine. I may have underestimated how hard it is to grow out ones bangs. Hmmm.....

We were home only a few minutes when we realized Dana had called, not only my phone, but Bruce's as well. As a matter of fact, she'd called Bruce five times! What could she want? Well, she wondered if we'd like to see Kid Rock in her suite at the UCF arena. To my surprise Bruce said "sure." After eating a quick supper, we headed out once again.  Before we left I looked in Friday's paper to see if there was mention of the show. Our music reviewer called a Kid Rock show a guilty pleasure. After seeing him perform, I couldn't agree more with his description. He put on an amazing show, complete with pole dancers, lasers, pyrotechnics and more. He played guitar, he played piano, he played a keyboard, he played the drums. Oh yeah, he sang as well. Hip hop--check, country--check, rock and roll--check. He danced, he ran, he flipped his microphone. Seriously, there didn't seem to be anything left for him to do. I've put a few captions in the slide show.

All in all, it was an amazing Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Peck.

If you're not tired of looking at photographs just yet, I'd love for you to see this amazing slideshow of photographs taken by one of my flickr contacts. Apparently, they filmed part of The King's Speech in his London neighborhood. Prepare to be enthralled! The King's Speech

Time to get ready for bridge--more happenings in tomorrow's post! Finally, please excuse all grammatical errors as I've not time to clean things up!

P.S. As always, if you click on slide show it will take you to the full-sized version.


Nancy said...

And just like Daddy you will HAVE to get them fixed because it will interfere with your eyesight!! Might as well do it now so you can enjoy it, only 1 hour in the docs office. Also sunglasses are the key to great looking pictures, never leave home without them.

Gail Peck said...

I lent my sunglasses to Maureen!

Lisa Spak said...

Hey-Mo & I got in trouble for wearing sunglasses in the photo!

Jenn said...

Sounds like a rock star weekend to me :)
Everyone looked great for the show. Glad you were able to snap some shots beforehand.

Kernel Panic Loop