Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How About That?

Sunday evening, after finishing my market work, think PayPal transactions and market photo album, I suggested to Bruce that we might want to try a restaurant on Orange Avenue. Said restaurant has gone through both multiple owners and decors. Presently it is called "Tommy Addisons." It is lighter and brighter than the last incarnation and after being seated we took stock of the place. The menu had multiple choices I could be happy with and the prices are reasonable. All good.

Because the tables were fairly close together, I overheard the waiter serving the adjacent couple that he is a student at Rosen College, part of UCF. Doe's that name sound familiar to you? It should if your memory is better than mine. That is where Dr. Severt teaches, you know, the crazy friend of mine? I couldn't help myself, once he turned his attention to us, I asked if he'd taken him.  "No, he replied, but I wish I had. All of my friends say he is the best professor they ever had!" I'm so sure. If you had the time to watch that crazy video of him dancing you would understand that he's a man who is not afraid to do whatever it takes to get his point across. I was happy to hear how highly regarded he is with the student population.

After that exchange Bruce and I wondered about the number of cars in the parking lot compared to the amount of people we saw around us. I said I'd head to the restroom for a recognizance mission. Who should I see on said mission but two very wonderful couples from our past. And we are talking way past. I may have written about seeing the Logombinas at the market recently after not seeing them for years and years. Their companions were the Sellers. Matt and Jonathan may recognize both names. As Kathy Logambina was telling the table about seeing me at the market with my "art", their server said, "I thought I recognized you!" As it turns out, she is one of my very first customers. Nice.

As they were leaving they stopped by our table to chat with Bruce. Nice. Both of the ladies have a place in our home because Kathy helped me pack up our old house to move to this one. Christy Sellers yard was filled with spider plants which she broke apart, giving me oodles of them to use in our yard where they still are planted--nearly 16 years strong. Small world my friends, or at least Orlando still is a small town, regardless of their aspirations to be BIG. Speaking of plants, I bought this neat one from Jim and Kathy. It is called "Million Hearts."
Spider plants are in the background.

I was all set to tell you that Steve is much improved, going home after just a few days in the hospital; apparently his blood pressure was in serious need of regulation. Unfortunately, and I have very few details, he had to go back last night. I'm awaiting more information.

Yesterday I waited and waited for the guy to come work on the pool. The bottom, as well as some on the side, has some darkening in the finish. Obviously not good after such a short time. Finally I called and discovered that they forgot to call me and reschedule the appointment. I hate that. Furthermore, Baxter was to have his teeth cleaning today, which has also been rescheduled because the ultrasonic machine is in for repairs. Allegedly the pool guy is coming first thing this morning. We shall see.

Earlier, when I began typing this, the moon was so bright and beautiful I could have probably typed outdoors if I'd had a notion to. The sky is just beginning to show some signs of the oncoming day.

Another update: Regina's daughter is now on disability, having tried most all the chemotherapy available. Regina wrote that she is either praying for a miracle or mercy. My heart hurts bad for her.
Corrine, on the other hand, is shrinking by the day, having lost more than 30 pounds now. She is, however, regaining her strength and is getting out and about some. It's always so difficult to understand how one woman is dying at 42, while another nearing 85 hangs on.

On a happier note, the other evening I had a hankering for Giada's Dirty Risotto. Over the weekend while browsing through my Bon Appetit, there was a feature about "mis en place", which if ever a recipe called for it, this is the one. Let's take a look at how I did it.
The bacon and Italian sausage are browning with all the ingredients chopped and ready for action.
Next you add the vegetables:
Looking good! Stir and cook until somewhat soft, adding the arborio rice next. Meanwhile you have your pan of chicken stock simmering nearby, ready to add by half cup fulls.
This shot is taken when the rice is still mostly white, before any broth addition.
Below, I've finished the browning, added the peppers and onions, wine, rice and  some of the broth.
The recipe is unlike any risotto I've made before because you have all this stuff in the pan when you add the rice. If you've made any yourself, you'll know what I mean. I have mentioned previously that although I have loads of cookbooks, most of them yield only one or two recipes that are eaten in regular rotation around here. This is one delicious risotto for sure. Ugly--kind of. Delicious--oh my! So here is the finished product--dinner for one.
I should have wiped that bowl edge! I mean if I'm taking the photo and all....
Some people are amazed that I will go to so much trouble for myself and there are nights that I won't but because I am very set on eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, I need something to eat at night! I will tell you that this batch turned out especially good because the grains of rice are somewhat shiny, a sure sign of nicely done risotto.

Finally, speaking of cooking, I heard the woman who wrote that piece on Home Economics I was touting, interviewed on Talk of the Nation. If you're interested click on the link. I always wonder how a story like that in the mainstream press moves from one outlet to another. Good publicists perhaps?

Because I couldn't leave yesterday morning I finally got my big order to Mr. Roger; I dread seeing the bill. Actually, I won't even look at it--you know, the whole idea of what you don't know can't hurt you!

Have a lovely day my friends.



matt said...

That looks like a nice meal!

Gail Peck said...

Thanks honey--just had the leftovers for dinner tonight.

Kernel Panic Loop