Monday, September 26, 2011

You Must Have a Really Good Camera!

If I've heard that once, I've heard it a hundred times, which, quite frankly, gets old over time. The fact of the matter is that although I have more than a point and shoot camera, I have one that is the bottom of the line; loads and loads of people own the same camera. The truth is that I have more practice than most, having shot pictures almost daily for over four years now. I have learned oh so much during this time, things like how to get the background you want, composition, lighting, and maybe most importantly being ready for anything. To stand out from the crowd what you need is imagination first with a decent camera--it doesn't have to be the best or I wouldn't be here writing this!

Furthermore, oftentimes people say, I know so and so who, if they did this,  would be sure to sell a bunch! Maybe, maybe not. In my experience, what it takes is serious dedication and "hard" work. I emphasize hard work because it is. Or at least at my age. This weekend took it's toll on me. HOT, HUMID, and RAIN--the outdoor vendor's nightmare trifecta! What was I thinking, pray tell? Taking the set up down in the dark and rain on Saturday night, Bruce and I got into a rare fuss--I was miserably hot and tired, he'd spent a very frustrating day, attending an unexpected funeral for an old friend, Bill Petrey's dad, and once he finally got home to get back to work, I needed his help to set up on Church Street during the hottest part of the day. Arriving home, he found he had no internet connection! He has two new jobs starting today, as well as an inspection tomorrow, another one next week and 350 unopened emails!! Now, his job really takes hard work! No wonder he was unhappy. We loaded everything up, most of which had some degree of wetness. We did not, however, unpack the car when we got home.

Waking up early yesterday morning, after seeing a weather report which said there was 60% chance of rain, we hemmed and hawed about setting up. I decided to take the chance which proved to be the right choice because the rain never materialized. On the other hand, the humidity cranked up to nearly 100% around 2:30 and if I'd not had my fan I would have died!

Enough about the challenging parts, I did take a few shots of the events which made me happy. I remember once when I met the professional photographer Cindy Ord who had moved here from NYC, she told me that in New York, if your photograph did not include people it was considered a dud. Not one to argue with what's hip in NYC, here in our little city, buyers skip over any I put out with people every time. Thus, my people shots are seen only in this little space. Here is one I took on Saturday evening that I just love:
I was chatting with two very nice young women in front of my booth when I saw this happening. Grabbing my camera quick, I love the light in both her hair and the street is perfect. Those shoes were amazing! Dana had the security guard let me in the building so I could get on the crosswalk over Church Street for this:
I keep thinking the woman on the right with the flying hair was trying to get cool. How funny that six out the seven have their sunglasses on their heads.

Starting the day in Winter Garden I took this, which has no people, but I do like the early morning light:
Because there are so many families, I often have the opportunity to take some sweet pictures of Mothers and Dads with their little ones.
Along with the beautiful pavillion the city of Winter Garden built for the market, a shooting water feature is in the same area. I was so delighted when I saw this one on my computer: 
I was very happy that I'd caught her in a jump. The reflections of her little purple shoes are icing on the cake! Point and shoot my friends. I always take my Panasonic FZ8 to the markets because not only does it have a long zoom, it has a fast lens allowing me to shoot in lower light. I can still remember buying it, about six months after I got my first digital camera. I was very nervous about spending $250 for a camera. I bought it at Circuit City which I still miss; apparently we were one of the few who preferred it over Best Buy. Four years later, which in today's market is considered a lifetime, it is still going strong. Many, many of my most popular still lifes were taken with this workhorse. I may take my Nikon on a trip, but, more often than not, the shots taken with my trusty Panasonic are the ones I like the most. 

After leaving Winter Garden, on my way home I dropped off what I had on Church Street before heading home for the tent and such. I took this out the passenger window before unloading:
Something about this scene called out for black and white. Funny, while looking at it now, I am astonished by the number and variety of the lines. 

The threat of rain kept many of the vendors and customers away from Sunday's market. I saw this guy last week with the lemur on his shoulder. He must get a kick out of having people stop him all the time. For whatever reason, this week the animal was not wearing the little diaper I saw before.
Because I shoot the market, week in and week out, I'm always looking for something different. This girl's bright purple umbrella caught my eye:
As did this turquoise one:
Finally, it was time to call it quits for the weekend. Sales were slightly disappointing, however I did meet some nice folks. Interestingly enough, while I was chatting with a young mother and her three daughters, I couldn't help noticing how intelligent the girls were. Turns out they got it from their mother who attended the AAIM program at Blanker only a few years after Matthew. It's a small world out there my friends.

Before we go, I wanted to show you something remarkable. I looked down and noticed this black swallowtail butterfly in my fan while it was blasting away at the highest speed:
Saying out loud I wondered how I could get it out before it was hurt, a man in the booth told me I could "start by turning the fan off." Duh! Once I did, the butterfly flew down towards the bottom, escaping with ease; off it flew with seemingly only minor injuries. Clever readers out there will be able to turn this into some sort of metaphor for hanging tight in tough circumstances or something along those lines. Any ideas?

p.s. Blogger is misbehaving today; please do your best to ignore the font changes and such will you? Gail


matt said...

That poor butterfly!

Gail Peck said...

Honestly, the butterfly flew off as if nothing had happened at all.

Kernel Panic Loop