Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cold Front

That's what they are calling it, however, to some, that may be too strong a term. In the fall and winter, rainy weather usually precedes a "cold front" and this time was no exception. This morning the sky is turning blue with temperatures reaching only into the low 70's. How about that?

Yesterday morning, as is customary, it rained, not hard, but just enough to keep Baxter and I indoors for a bit. Just as I was grabbing the leash and calling to him, the rain began. Not for long though. We took our neighborhood walk during a break in the action. The whole day was like that, cloudy, rainy, and sunny.

The walk found us heading down Appleton, taking a left on Summerlin, and roaming around what for fifty years was called the Navy Sound Lab. These days it is owned by the school board--no idea what goes on there now. Taking pictures under these conditions can be fun. The first thing we saw that might interest you, forgive me if you've seen it before, is this intricate bloom, made even more so with raindrops, on our neighbor Carey's plant.
Pink October and all. Which reminds me--do you think it is possible that anyone in America is unaware of breast cancer these days? I mean stop with the products already!! Shameless marketing in my opinion.

I've made this picture my desktop screen because I love everything about it:
I love Baxie's wet little legs, his sturdy little body and his alertness. Plus, his shadow, the puddle, and those neat weeds. Cool light too. Notice the acorn by his left paw? They are dropping like mad already and you know what that meant last winter. Could be a cold one. When one tiny acorn hits our roof it is sometimes so loud Baxter thinks something is wrong and does a little barking routine.

Walking alongside Lake Gem Mary behind the building I spotted a dot of red. Carefully we got closer and were treated to this gorgeous red cardinal in a branch lakeside:
So, so pretty. This year the St. Louis Cardinals are in the World Series, in case you don't know that already. Two things this makes me think of--one, that my beloved Bill was a big Cardinal fain growing up, always wearing their hat. Fitted hats, that was the thing. So exciting back then. Secondly, my Grandfather, who I met only a few times, after having a stroke spent most days of the summer sitting watching the Cardinals play. My mom was born in East St. Louis, so you see the connection. Those were the days when most games were played in the afternoon. Can't you just picture an older man, possibly wearing a Cardinals hat, whiling away the afternoon cheering "his" team on?

When people ask me what kind of photography I do I tell them I will shoot just about anything that catches my eye. Don't ask me why I thought this might be a cool photograph--can't really answer that question. I think I was right.
Talk about minimalism right?

We don't have much in the way of changing leaves in Orlando but some of the grasses do turn a lovely shade of gold like these along the guard rail on Gatlin Avenue.
Again, it's that sun after a rain thing that makes them seem to glow!

So, what else did we busy ourselves with after our walk. Nancy will be happy to learn that I cleaned. Even after all her encouragement I'm still not a fan of cleaning but it was time. Later in the afternoon I planted TULIP BULBS!
I'm not holding my breath that they will come up but what the heck--you never know until you try! How about that thick grass? Finally!

I forgot to tell you that last Thursday night, at a time I'd normally be in bed, as I was watching the baseball playoffs, the phone rang. The caller ID said, Doug Akers. My golly was I surprised to see that name from the past. I knew it meant that one of my oldest and dearest friends was calling. Hoping it was not bad news, I answered to hear my old friend, Kathy Lashley, speaking with a serious Alabama drawl. Twenty years in the state will do that to even a Floridian. I guess we became friends in maybe the seventh grade and were pretty much inseparable throughout those years. Then I had to move away. After graduating high school I returned to Orlando to attend x-ray school at Winter Park Memorial Hospital, while at the same time. Kathy attended x-ray school at Florida Hospital. I can still remember studying for the Registry together. The Registry Gail? Yes indeed, the national exam to become a "real" x-ray tech. In today's lingo that's a radiologic technologist, but back then we called a spade a spade. Long story short, she moved away, I had a huge family and the years went by without much communication. So, you're asking yourself right about now, why was she calling? I'll tell you why--the Boone High School 40th reunion is just a few weeks away--that's why. They were thinking of coming and wanted to know if we were as well. We are. Cannot wait to see her!

Awhile ago I mentioned the Lake Eola fountain repair--don't recall it? Here is the post when I wrote about both the repair and the memento I was to receive. Last week a small box came in the mail and I thought it was a credit card device, Smart, that I'd ordered. Because I still have done nothing about my phone situation I didn't open the box for a few days. Finally, just to get it off the counter I opened it and here's what it contained:
Yes indeed, that's a piece of the old fountain, spruced up with engraving. Pretty cool huh? Now we have a chunk of the granite from the old City Hall AND a piece of the original Lake Eola fountain. Wonder what our kids will do with those once we die?

Today I am definitely not forgetting my bridge game. Mostly because Linda emailed me yesterday and Alison called last night. Breakfast awaits my dear readers.


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