Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Early, Very Early

It is one thing when you get up early, as in before 5AM, when you're going someplace; it is quite another when you're staying home. Rarely does Baxter wake me up to go out in the morning, however, something  has gotten into him because both yesterday and today he's whimpered to be let out crazy early. Hmmm.....The day may be a long one unless I dream up something exciting to do.

Blogging is as good a way to start my day as any, so let's get going!

Remember about two weeks ago I showed you our neighbor's Golden Rain Tree? No longer gold, the blossoms, if you can call them that, have now turned a lovely shade of coral:
Pretty isn't it? Yesterday morning, because I was up bright and early, although come to think of it there was no brightness to be found at that hour, I decided it was time to tackle a few chores around the house, including the yard and pool. After I told the folks at the office of the pool cleaning company I did not want the young man they'd been sending to come back, they fired me. Yep, fired again! I suppose because I've taken care of the pool myself all these years that my standards are different than those who rarely go out back. It was the salt generator that scared me, however, I think I can do it now. Because exercising is not one of my passions, housework is the stand in for keeping me fit. Old fashioned--I know.

The truth is that on Monday I worked most of the day on a sewing project because my body was not feeling so perky. You know how some people get headaches that won't go away? Well, I rarely get headaches, but man, oh man, do I get a side ache! I'll go months without opening a medicine bottle, then I'll have a flare up of the old pain, taking aspirin like it's going out of style. Oh wait--it has gone out of style! Laying low is what I call it when I don't leave the house all day.

That's why I feel good about yesterday because I refused to let it get me down. Yes, I was still taking aspirin, and yes, I was still in pain, but I moved on. Did errands--that sort of thing. Which is why I was walking Mr. Baxter later in the day as you can see from the shadow on the house. Just across the street I noticed this pretty little vine:
That lavender color really stood out against the gray/brown fence! Perhaps they will let it roam despite the fact that it is coming from their neighbor's yard on the other side of the fence.

Often people come to the booth asking if I have a photograph of such and such. Polar bears, penguins, Italy, North Florida......the list goes on. Mostly I have to say no, I'm sorry I can't help. In that vein, there is quite a contingent of folks who love dragonflies. To that query,  my answer is yes, I can help. Actually I normally only have a pink one for purchase, however, I'm always looking for another one to sell. Finishing the yard yesterday morning I saw a blue one hanging around. The good thing about photographing dragonflies, or damselflies, is that they stay put. I mean long enough for me to go inside for my camera. Sort of like Monarch butterflies who are great portrait sitters, returning again and again to the very same flower or perch.
Using my zoom lens I positioned myself so that the green fern would act as my backdrop. They certainly are intricate creatures aren't they? That ugly brown thing he's perched on? A weary geranium, which if I'm lucky, will bloom again one day although to look at it now you'd never think it is a possibility. Here's a look face on, using the gray fence as the background:
Had enough have you?

Karen Howard, she of Karen's Family Files fame, wrote that she loves when I post fruits and vegetables photographs. Lord knows, I've plenty of them!
I've told you many times how great Dana is and I'll say it again. After an event she managed at the UCF arena Friday night, she stopped by Wal Mart at 2 in the morning to buy new tablecloths for our produce folks. The green pattern of the cloth makes a pretty great backdrop for those pumpkins doesn't it? The whole display looked very nice on Sunday, in part because of all the new cloths. We are very lucky to have a manager who insists on standards, otherwise, left to their own devices, many of the vendors would let things get pretty tacky. Three cheers for Dana!

As well, I've got more flower pictures than I can count. Still, it doesn't keep me from taking new ones that I either discover, or I just like the light. The other morning on our walk I came across this one:
I've no idea what the plant is called, it's quite a large shrub covered with these gloriously fragrant white flowers. In fact, I think when it gets light outside we may just have to return to that spot that I might, once again, breathe in their wonderful perfume.

Another little cutie from our yard, which, by the way, is looking very fly these days:
Back to the birds my friends. Jonathan was quite keen on the bird I saw during my Lake Apopka visit. As a reminder, here's what he/she looked like:
From the Audubon guide: "Purple Gallinule. 11-13. A strikingly  colored, chicken sized marsh bird."
Now, you know just in case you're asked.

Speaking of Jonathan, we finally had a nice long chat last evening. Ages passed since last we visited. Bonus points for Alissa being in the car when I was on their speaker phone. As is often the case, the conversation ranged over many topics, concluding with "state of the union" talk. By that I mean the Occupy happenings. Obviously. given his age,  his take is a bit different than mine, however, we could agree that the world is one big, fat mess. What's to come of it all is anybodies guess. Living in revolutionary times, in our case, a technological revolution, is no easy feat. I was shocked and saddened when I read this piece from the Times. My, oh my! A television in a two year old's room? My children could only dream of such a thing, mean mom that I was.

Don't get me started on how I think the 24 hour news cycle has added to our collective woes....


Nancy said...

Really pretty pictures.

Karen Howard said...

Thanks for the mention in your post. I do like the pumpkins. When you find out the name of your sweet-smelling flower, please let us know. I was thinking osmanthus, but I don't know if it grows in central Florida. Many people in Tallahassee grew it when I was growing up. I loved smelling it in the spring and fall. Heavenly scent.

Karen H.

Karen Howard said...

I forgot to mention the dragonfly photos are beautiful. The wings are exquisite.


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