Monday, April 28, 2014


That's a real catchy title now isn't it? NOT!

Here's the deal--I am finally mending, however, I'm definitely not up to speed just yet, so today will be a simple post of flowers. Except this one that cried out to be shown:
Adorable little Scottie dogs as seen in Scotland!! Their owner was nearby....

Every visit to the UK brings new flower sightings, and this one was no exception. Our previous visits have been in either the Summer or Fall, so being there in the Spring was a new treat. Floridians are particularly captivated by Spring bulbs, not just because they are gorgeous, but because we cannot grow them successfully because we have no winter to chill the bulbs. The daffodils growing everywhere were almost like wildflowers in their profusion. I was immediately smitten!
 Then too, the cherry trees were beginning to bloom in private and
public gardens:
I have not the foggiest notion of what these flowers are, but there's no question about their vibrance!
In Edinburgh, the gloominess would have been overwhelming without the shock of yellow,
and of course polka dots help! A girl after my own heart. :)

Princes Street Gardens were magnificent with big beds looking like this:
Talk about a riot of color! Primroses perhaps?

I made a short trip around the Royal Botanic Gardens as I told you before, but what I didn't mention is the massive rhododendron bushes, a cousin of our azalea bushes.
There were so many shades of pink, and such a profusion of blooms, it was incredible.
It was only a shame it was chilly and wet!

York, too, was filled with daffodils, growing all along the city walls,
as well as in the parks.
Every time I see a mass of purple flowers I can't help but think of our niece Laura, a die hard purple lover. In York I saw this lovely display:
Jane has a gorgeous garden behind their home with the tulips just showing their pretty faces.
Since our return I've heard that the tulips have gone mad with more than 100 blooms coming up! The property surrounding Langar Hall is quite peaceful with a stream running through the green fields. Up to then I'd seen primarily yellow daffodils, which are fantastic, but what do you think of these white ones?
Pretty special, right?

Walking the Flude's neighborhood streets, I saw some pretty darn beautiful displays, including this one just down from them:
How about this gorgeous garden?
Textures and colors that can't be beat!

By the time we returned to London, the tulips were out in full force! Walking through Hyde Park, the space in front of the restroom was fabulous!
Walking by this field, Bruce asked, "do you need to stop and take a picture of that?" Don't mind if I do, however, sadly it didn't turn out so well. By now it was beginning to rain harder!
The flower beds in front of Buckingham Palace quite literally took your breath away...
I know, it looks impossible for anything to be so beautiful, right? When last we saw these beds, during a summer visit they were chock full of red geraniums.
They do know a thing or two about gardening!

Massive plantings of red tulips were adjacent to this horse sculpture in Hyde Park, which is in honor of animals used in war time.
I could go on and on, and it seems as if I have! One final beauty--as we walked around the streets adjacent to our Mayfair hotel, we saw this lovely place with tulips planted all the way around.
My friend Bev wonders what she should see during a two day visit to London, and all I can say for sure is, don't miss the flowers because they are something to behold.

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