Sunday, April 20, 2014

We Interrupt the Regularly Scheduled Programing

While I'm not through with the trip stories, today let's get back in the moment.

Sunday, a week ago, I had a sweet young lady stop by the booth to interview me. Huh? She is a journalism student at UCF,  apparently writing an article about women in the arts. We chatted, she turned her phone on to record our conversation, and of course I talked. While we chatted about the challenges and triumphs facing a woman in the arts, especially one who is so new to the scene, she asked me about my happiest moment during this whole, "Out & About Photography" thing. Well, friends, here it is. I can still remember sitting down at my desk and the image appearing on the front page of the digital version of the New York Times. Let's just say it was quite the moment.

It has been a busy week since our return, beginning with the very day we got back. While gone, our new neighbor Nadav, he who bought Angela's house, sent me a text asking if we could watch their dog Max from Thursday until Sunday night. My initial reaction was of dismay, however, much to our surprise, it went beautifully. Bruce and the "boys" taking an afternoon nap trying to get over jet lag.
Nadav warned us Max could be a terror, however, from the moment he arrived, he seemed to feel pretty comfortable in our home and with Baxter.
Poor Baxter, just when he thought things were getting back to normal! I love how Max matches the rug. A few days ago, returning from Bill's house, I saw a bag outside the door. What could this be? Well, here's what it could be...
Oh my gosh!!! You can imagine how thrilled I was--orange, and birds--SCORE!

Setting my alarm for the blood moon, Bruce thought I was a little crazy. Telling him he should get up with me, he was slightly skeptical, but get up he did, albeit on the sunroom couch (see above), waking up only when I got excited! I did what I could, but try as I might, I could not get the full blood moon. That said, it was thrilling watching the eclipse in real time.
When you go on a trip, naturally everything looks amazing, mostly because it is new. Easier still is to forget the beauty that surrounds you in your daily life. I never tire of this scene which happens every single year a few doors down from us.
Cherry trees are gorgeous, but the carpeting from fallen tabebuia trees surely rivals it.

Bruce has been working on making some frames for my baby canvases,
something he's wanted to do for quite some time. Today we will see what folks think of the idea..

Friday night has come and gone, but what a night it was. Steve, Bruce's best buddy from Darden, married Barbara at 6PM. Although the wedding was to be held on the rooftop of the downtown Grande Bohemian Hotel,  the weather refused to cooperate. Seemingly unfazed, Barb moved it indoors. It was a sight to behold with crystal, hydrangeas, glitz and glitter everywhere!
Pictured above is Briggs, the man who had the dubious task of telling Bruce that his offer of retirement was to become reality. We still love him!

To tell you the truth, we never thought Steve would marry, having known him for 21 years as a single man. Once he met Barb it was really only a matter of time. He's 61 btw, celebrating his first marriage.
They had these cute cards tucked into everyone's dinner napkin..
If you've ever wondered what a dessert buffet with about thirty choices looks like, you should have been there. Sort of like a pastry shop gone mad!
I am only sorry I didn't try more of the bite sized desserts, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do--dance the night away!

In spite of the fact that today is Easter, the market will be open. Speaking of beauty close to home, every tourist that ventures away from the theme parks, into the real Orlando, photographs this scene.
So, that's where I'll be today with a new look for my booth. Different offerings, as well as different decorations, which I was working on while Bruce worked on the framing ideas. We shall see.

Then too, we shall be seeing this man for the last time at the market.
For the last five or so years, week in, and week out, Joseph Martens provided the afternoon entertainment to a rapt crowd. He is so good you have to hear him to believe me. We shall sorely miss his beautiful voice, and presence, as he and his new bride take their talents on the road. She too is quite the entertainer, and their market family wishes them the best.

Time to get a move on....

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