Friday, July 25, 2014

So Long Windy Blue....

....thanks for the memories! Although it does not seem so long ago that I came up with this title, De-Tauping, according to my handy, long running blog, it has been more than six years since that last I painted our living room. Well, now I am doing so again, and have been for days, this time doing all the woodwork which is taking a long time. Because we are heading to the beach shortly for a much needed respite from painting, I wanted to say hello and share a few photos I've taken in the last week that I hope will make you smile. I am, however, sneaking in just this one of the painting in progress.
In case you are wondering, the new color passes the excellent name test...Sweet Caroline. I dare you not to begin singing that song in your head!!

The other morning, after yet another monster rainstorm, I came across this pretty kitty during my bike ride.
It may have been that very same day that I stopped by Cheryl's house, only to find her not home, but I did find a lovely swallowtail busy on her Jatropha tree.
Although we have a gazillion Jatropha plants, as well as a tree, ours attract more bees than butterflies. I hear a lot of talk about a shortage of bees, however, we are not lacking in that department. 

I don't know why it is that I find toads interesting, but I do. Frogs, not so much. I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but I've been asked before how you tell the difference between the two, so perhaps you fall into that camp? Toads have rough, bumpy skin, whereas frogs are gross, and slimy-like.
Plus, toads are more likely to be out and about in the daytime, as this little one was found by me on our pool deck during the afternoon.

Just as we have no shortage of bees, the same goes for birds. My word, they are visiting the feeders in abundance, sometimes sharing, sometimes, particularly the blue jays, claiming the perches for their own. The cardinals are acting all crazy, and who could blame them? I'd be acting crazy too if I were molting!
I can't decide which sex looks worse during molting....
And with that exciting picture, I'm flying off myself to enjoy a much needed day of rest!! Where shall we go today? 

p.s. while doing a search of my blog about the painting, I came across this bit from June of 2008 when I'd written a post entitled, De-Tauping Part Two. Reading it, six years later, made me just a little teary-eyed.

Congratulations to our son Bill! Last evening while driving to what he thought was a bank get together, he called me complaining bitterly about the traffic he was stuck in, among other things. I was optimistic, trying to convince him life was not so bad. About two hours later he called back to tell me the gathering was an awards ceremony and he was the recipient of "Rookie of the Year" award for Wachovia in Seminole County, the location of his branch. How about that? He is a hard worker; this is a wonderful recognition of his efforts. Aren't we lucky parents? Our children have turned out so well. I apologize if that sounds like bragging. Today people wait so long to have children hoping that they can provide them with all the advantages money can buy. We, on the other hand, started our family when we were 23. By the time I was 29 we had four children. I'm not saying that they couldn't have had more material things but somehow our provisions and love brought them to this place in life. I am so grateful for what they have become. 

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