Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Taking My Time

There was quite a long period of my life when I was always in a hurry. Having a job, four sons, and a husband will do that. That time, however, has passed, and these days I do anything but hurry.

Lisa and I were talking the other day about how she has been getting serious about cycling in the last few months. She rides long, hard, and fast; what she does is called cycling. What I do is ride my bike, and sometimes the slower the better. Here's my ride parked alongside the road while I take a photograph.
It's cute isn't it? All the better to meander, however, I suspect it is capable of going much faster than I have the energy to make it. Actually, I might have the energy, except I'd rather enjoy my ride, not endure it. What I stopped for is this shot of the beautiful Crepe Mrytle tree in full bloom. I am in love with this color!
All over town the trees are blooming like mad in a wide variety of colors, including this lovely white one, perhaps planted to match the house?
If I travel too fast, I would miss out on seeing all the things I love which are mostly nature related. What a surprise it was today to see not a single bee on the night blooming cacti. Generally there are more bees than you can count!
I will admit that most days in the last two months my first stop is to visit with the owls. Yesterday as I pulled up I was so delighted to see one flying low in the next yard, and I just knew he/she was headed for the birdbath. Yippee! You can imagine I was in hog heaven. Getting pretty close, I took shot after shot as I watched the youngster drink.
Naturally the first thing I did when I got home was to put my card into the computer to see how the photos turned out. Not very good is how. I discovered, as I sat there wondering what went wrong, that the setting on my camera was incorrect! Nonetheless, the shot above is very interesting as it shows what appears to be an inner eyelid on the owl. Weird, right? Except it is not. From what I've been reading, owls have three eyelids, and apparently we are seeing one of them! So, all was not lost from that visit. To view it larger, all you need do is click on the photograph.

This morning I followed my routine, finding the two kids in the palm tree, I said hello, and went on my way, riding across Ferncreek and into Harbor Island. Pedaling down the street, I saw a squirrel in the road and wondered what said squirrel was up to.
As I drew nearer, Mr. Squirrel took that pine cone and scooted over to the tree, eventually moving up into the tree, all the while carrying the pine cone.
From my battles with squirrels regarding our bird feeders I know firsthand how wily they can be. How would you like to eat on your head while presumably holding on by your feet?
Nature is just incredible isn't it? Everywhere I look something catches my eye, including how the sunlight enhances the leafy vines around a tree trunk.
If you can believe it, and I know that you can, on my way home I thought to myself, "self, maybe one more owl visit?" Well, that turned out to be a good thought. I rode up, seeing one in the tree with the peeling bark I like so well, as well as the beauty of the water shining in the sun from the next door sprinklers.
If you are wondering why they are so high, I suppose it is because all the trees would block the flow if not for their height? Good golly Miss Molly--teenage owl flew right back over to the bird bath, and this time I knew what I was doing. To watch a huge bird like that in a little bird bath is such a treat. I'll spare you the dozens I took, instead I'll show you maybe just one? Or two...
It is a flat out wonder any of them came out because my hands were shaking! So, after quite a bit of what you see, here's what happened next.
Yup, came flying out and up into the overhead tree! So close I ducked!
Their flying ability seems to be great as this is one of the large overhead oaks. The sibling showed up as well. And, even better, I think I finally got a great shot of the owl.
What a huge difference two months makes...
Hasn't this been fun? I know it has brought joy to me, and I hope to you as well.

Anyone out there know how cardinals mate? Let's see here...
Riding along, I saw this happening, and I don't know if that was what was going on, or not? What do you think? I know I've never seen it before, and try as I might, I can't really find graphic detail on how it happens.

Had enough creature news? How about a people update instead? Bruce, following a Saturday's doctor visit, seems to be improving while taking a round of antibiotics. He's gone to Virginia today, and I've yet to hear from him that he needs to come home, so that is saying something. Then too, I imagine you've been wondering about Matt Stromberg's condition. It's been several weeks since I spoke to them, however, Angela wrote this update on Caring Bridge if you would like more details. As a reminder to those who've forgotten, any text that is not black is a link with further info!

The last laugh is on me....I wrote this post about making a dress that fit me like a sack. In said post I mentioned I was so disappointed that I even threw the pattern away. Turns out that was pretty stupid of me. (I know, I can afford to buy another one!) Anyway, with the heat we've been having, a sack dress is just the ticket, and I've worn it more times than I can count. Aside from horrible stain that I think came from the washing machine, it is the perfect house dress--my version of the duster. You'd have to be a woman of a certain age to get that reference....

Taking my time,


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