Thursday, August 20, 2015

I've Been Meaning to Tell You

While messaging with Catherine the other day, I asked her if she'd been writing her blog posts. No, she said, I can't think what to write that might not bore readers. I suggested that she not only write for herself, but jot things down when they occurred to her so she'd have ideas when she did sit down. I followed my own advice, except for the part about boring readers....

So, let's begin with the calendar contest I entered, shall we? Perhaps it was the cute little note papers I used on the back of the photos, the ones from Jonathan and Alissa's honeymoon in Japan, but somehow or other, the city chose two of my photos for next years Historic Preservation Calendar. Learning this a week ago, it is always puzzling to me how they choose what they do, and even more so this year when my favorite was not chosen.
I wish one day they would do a calendar in color because wouldn't this adorable house make a lovely July scene?
Seriously cute, right?

More often than not, the calls we get on the house phone are what you might call "junk calls." That said, that is the number on my business card. Once in a blue moon I get a call from a customer, and last week one came through that made me very happy. Nell, she of the owl house fame, called me to order five prints of "Tree Hugger" for her grandchildren's Christmas gift. Now that is a woman on the ball wouldn't you say? We had a lovely chat about birds, gardening, and more, and during that conversation she mentioned that although the photos taken by my former Geology professor were top notch, she just loves mine. How darn sweet is that?

The hot weather is causing all sorts of algae growth in our lakes, and believe it or not, there is water underneath all the pictured green.
Isn't that something? This a a canal, adjacent to a home in Harbour Isle, that runs into Lake Conway. I can't imagine any boat going through this mess!

So, I've been reading my head off these last weeks when B is gone for four days, and the last three books could not have been any more different. Sort of like the photos and stories on this here blog! All of these are good in their own way. See if any of them interest you.

  • Delicious! by Ruth Reichl. The linked review has barely a good word to say about it, but if you are looking for a foodie book that is easy reading, this might serve you well.
  • Eventide by Kent Haruf.  Whereas, the linked review for this novel can't say enough good about it, as does every other reviewer. If you're a fan of Marilynne Robinson, I think you'll like Mr. Haruf's quiet, yet forceful writing style, and subject matter. I was having my nails done a week ago, and tears just poured down, requiring me to close the book for a while.
  • The Sweetheart by Angelina Mirabella. I could not find any professional reviews of this, but on Good Reads it gets a 3.67 rating, which for a first novel, seems good enough. Written by an FSU grad, it tells the story of a young woman from Philadelphia who becomes a lady grappler, or in more modern terms, wrestler, in the 1950's. I picked it up because our son David has that huge wrestling card collection, and although it started a little slow, it picked up steam. Very colorful!

There you go--easy reading, thoughtful reading and quirky reading.

Speaking of books, did I show you this before? Pam rode along with me when I went to pick up my prints; while driving home we moseyed through some neighborhoods pointing out the houses we like. While I was showing her our friend Lynn's house, we saw this on her street.
With all the rain we've been having, I wonder if they remove them daily?

The sunflowers have officially bit the dust...
and, I could not find any seeds, so they really did bite the dust, or make that land in the garbage can.

On the way home from Renningers, this fellow was in front of us,
and I think he may be on to something wearing that shirt. The handlebar ends!!!!

Let's see what else has been languishing???
My first ever sighting of one of the Sun Dance prints in a store aside from those I've known about. I was walking to the bathroom in Ross, and what to my wondering eyes should appear?

I've made a new dress with my estate sale fabric, and I can say this much....fabric today ain't nothing like it used to be. Have you ever seen the term colorfast on a label? Well, this new fabric I bought two weeks ago, in for a preshrinking bath, was anything but colorfast.
Filling the sink with hot water at least five times, the water finally ran clear. It's highly likely that not one person reading this blog will find that information useful, but there you go.

I bought a new hibiscus, thinking it wasn't quite red, but by golly, what other color would you call it?
Let's end on a bird note. Perhaps you've wondered about all that bird seed I buy. Probably not, but just in case you have..... Lately we've been getting this fantastic seed from Costco, a 40 pound bag made by Audubon. I needn't tell you that is a heck of a lot of birdseed. Opening the bag, I scoop out enough to fill one container for storage, fill the actual one I use to pour it, and hope that works. Sometimes I need an extra storage one, but generally, if both feeders need filling, this method does the trick.
I may very well have crossed the line on this one....mundane to the max!! Indulge me please.

Tune in again for more excitement!!

Thanks for reading,


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