Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Birds, a Bedtime Story, and the Ballet

Well, with a title like that what say we start with a bird picture?
This, my friends is a Limpkin. Not that I knew what it was before a strolling birder told me, but who was I to argue with a man carrying binoculars? I saw it on this morning's stroll around Lake Cherokee with Baxter. Aside from the type of bird it was, he also mentioned that it has quite the call and by golly, if you listen here, you most certainly will agree!

Because it has been quite some time since last I posted a bird picture, I'm taking full liberties today and posting a gazillion, some I took yesterday, a few from about a week ago. I was freaking out when I saw what I was sure was a new little bird visiting the Peck Casa. Because the weather is fairly nice (!), I sat on the front porch waiting for it to return. Sure enough...
I did not have any idea what type of bird it was, however, soon thereafter, well not before I took this picture of the cute little Downy Woodpecker, chewing up our palm tree I might add,
that Pam arrived unannounced. Because I'm not a great planner I welcome pop-in visitors! Anyway, continuing to impress me with her vast storage of knowledge, she told me it was a Chickadee. The iPad appeared next and sure enough she was right, however, there was a teeny bit more to the story. As in, there are two birds that look nearly identical, one is a Carolina Chickadee, which is what we were watching, and the other is called a Black Hooded Chickadee. Confused? Can't say as I blame you. Anyway it has to do with geography....

Another one of my very favorite birds was flitting about, landing on the side of our Laurel Oak tree.
Tiny little thing, right? Super cute and lively. The cardinals are finished with molting and their feathers are never so bright...
Oh friends, there are more to come!! I spotted this Great Blue Heron at Lake Eola.
One thing that just fascinates the heck out of me regarding birds is the wide variety of eye colors, particularly in shore birds. I was thinking today how I see these shore birds regularly but not everyone has that luxury. I suppose folks who like birds in India, say, think the same when they see birds I've never seen. Not saying they don't have Ibis in India, because, perhaps they do, but you get my drift.
For the very first time ever, I got a picture of a bird, in this case, an egret, out in the wild having just caught a fish. Unfortunately, the sun was so bright on the white feathers it is not great, however, it is a first so I'm showing it!
Had enough birds? Well good because that's all you are getting.

Most of you know that I'm completely obsessed with the writing of Ron Rash. Although some might find his books depressing, and let's face it, he writes about very dark material, I find his stories powerful in an unassuming way. Sunday night, after returning from the Hill's house, Bruce sat down to tackle some work emails before coming to bed. Me, I got in bed with a book of Ron Rash's short stories called, Nothing Gold Can Stay. I read the first story called "The Trusty" which appeared first in the New Yorker. Appeared, that's how they always put it, like it is magic. Anyway, just as I was starting the second one, in came Mr. Bruce looking slightly unsettled. Probably some problem or other, not to mention having to leave in the morning, so what did I do? Well, here's what I did. I said, "honey, would you like me to read you a bedtime story?" And so I did, not really finishing it before he fell asleep, but it did soothe him in spite of the nature of the story. The link I provided is an interview with Mr. Rash on Weekend Edition with Scott Simon. Forgive me for being such a nuisance about my favorite authors but who knows? Maybe you will find time to read him and I've not doubt you will be better for having done so!

The ballet? What's that all about Gail? Well, here's what it is all about. My friend Ha invited me to an event at the Abbey last evening called  Orlando Ballet UNCORKED.  Billed as an event for audiences to learn what goes into the choreography of ballet it was that and more. Robert Hill, pictured on the right was explaining all about mime in ballet, specifically a scene from Giselle which they will be performing on October 30.
As you can see we were very close to the action. It helped that we arrived early. :)

Although not in costume there danced a few scenes from the ballet, as well as a really cool part when Mr. Hill, the artistic director, chose from the company dancers and made up a dance on the spot. It was quite interesting to watch his thought process, not to mention how quickly the dancers picked it up. Following that there was a Q & A session with a surprising number of questions asked.
Although I can't recall every attending the ballet before, and maybe I have but you know my faulty memory, it sure whet my appetite for me. Wasn't it nice of her to invite me?

Now this was a fun post wasn't it? Not a controversial subject in the lot!!

Smiling at my computer,


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